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Ok, send them at me.

1,901 IceDragon416  9.4 years ago

Openly criticize my planes. Just seeing what to improve.

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    1,901 IceDragon416

    @sirtribesman go away

    9.3 years ago
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    2,519 sirwalrusman


    9.3 years ago
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    8,799 Meawk

    @XVIdarkLithium yes sir

    9.4 years ago
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    2,998 DarkLithium


    9.4 years ago
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    8,799 Meawk

    It is slanted and doesn't look good at all. use a regular forward or front landing gear if you want one large gear in the back of your plane.

    1. The sea SERPENT is quite ugly but its not that bad. I just dont like the float in the back as it looks VERY impractical.

    2. Ramjet
      OKAY I was going to get mad at you for misusing the term ramjet, but I read the description. COMPLETELY over sized control surfaces, impractical, and would cause the plane to be VERY weak. I understand it is meant to ram into things but really.

    3. the dragonsai super stealth wouldn't be that stealthy unless it flew rteally low and used the ground to mask radar signals. It has a lot of right angles which would reflect the radar and help enemies locate the plane. Instead try getting rid of a lot of the angles. If there aren't right angles the radar will disperse all over the place and be inaccurate.

    4.the nighthawk has a very awkward shape and landing gear that would cause a lot of drag because they cannot be brought into the airplane. Try putting retractable landing gear on. The landing gear on it is so out of proportion to the plane and would make it way less nimble. I also know that the shape looks cool and all but the center f mass would be WAY before the center of lift and would make the plane EXTREMELY hard to stabilize.

    Ok im going to stop I feel mean XD

    9.4 years ago
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    8,799 Meawk

    oh boy get ready. (pls dont take anything I say personally)

    1.Dragonsai Dragon Warrior
    your dragon warrior looks good, but the engine blocks are a bit large for the wings and throw it out of proportion. the wings also have a VERY bad shape and would give it horrible structural integrity, and if this is made to land on water I wouldn't be surprised if the wings fall off into the deep. the shape is good, but with the landing gear so far back it makes it hard to takeoff and it looks impractical. if you are going to do that put a small gear all the way in the back instead of a large one. AND DON'T USE THE REAR LANDING GEAR IF YOU ARE ONLY USING ONE!!

    9.4 years ago