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[SLRP]vehicles On sale 1/7/2019

1,335 MuffinAerospace  5.7 years ago

Here is the price of each vehicle from MASP co. (21/7/2019)


MiR-1SP "Thunder" 23,000,000$ ->Supersonic/Versatile multipurpose plane
MiR-1DVE "Climber" 24,000,000$ ->VTOL Multirole Plane
ARS-1S "GreyShark 14,000,000$ ->Supersonic Multirole Plane
MuF-MOD.1 "OverSeer" 2.400.000$ ->Light/Subsonic Attacker
RaD-23 super raven 100,000,000$ -> Mach 2 Stealth Recon plane
PASSNG-1F AWACS 20,000,000$-> Short/Medium Range STOL AWACS


PASS-464 SE 40,000,000$ -> Supersonic long range Passenger/transport plane
PASS-414B+ 30,000,000$ -> Super Long Range Slow Passenger/Transport
PASSNG-1 14.000.000$ ->Multipurpose/Customizable STOL Light aircraft
MPT-1E 364.000$ -> Ultralight multipurpose single engine plane
MFP-1 50.000.000$ -> Heavy/Medium Range Liner


PASSNG-1A SAR 19,000,000$-> Short range Search And Rescue STOL Plane


MASP-SE1 16.000$ (Truck)
MHT-1 3.000$ (Tractor)


SCT-47 "Appennino" NEXO vrs 80,000,000$ -> Super Long Range Heavy cargo plane, with NEXO style


MEI-1E2 2.500.000$ -> amphibius,Heavy Caliber,Great Armored APC/IFV


EAM-9Y 12.000.000$ (Attack Heli)


Air Defence Systems
BAA-16 "SeaMaster" 1.000.000$ -> Anti Air Buoy.

Infantry Weapons
MRF-12 1k$ -> AP 12.6mm Infantry rifle

If you wanna order, Comment below!!

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    OoH YeAH!!!

    5.7 years ago
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    @Jim1the1Squid there you go fella

    5.7 years ago
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    It might do you some good to add images, or better yet, links so that your buyers can see the quality of the product.
    I'm not buying until I see some images.

    5.7 years ago