I need ideas for arresting gear. For aircraft carriers.
I was thinking winches and hooks like conventional carriers, but that's going to be too complex, and this is supposed to be a potato build.
I need ideas for landing on this carrier.
It's 380 feet long. Needs to hold minijets.
I need ideas for this...
6,852 Jim1the1Squid
5.6 years ago
@Jim1the1Squid Then try using a lot of really big springs.
I'm trying to make it as realistic as possible...
@Jim1the1Squid That's the point. As long as the aircraft has enough health one its parts, it should work.
That'll slam the aircraft down onto the deck...
@Jim1the1Squid Yeah, if they are strong enough.
For Landing?
Magnets might work?
no LG on the planes friction is a beast