The title is pretty self explanatory but for those who do not get it I'm asking, Have you been inside a plane? Flew it? Were you a passenger? If you have ever been in a flying plane what type?
The title is pretty self explanatory but for those who do not get it I'm asking, Have you been inside a plane? Flew it? Were you a passenger? If you have ever been in a flying plane what type?
i was on a plane when i was like 1 year old i know it cuz my mum told meh
recently I was on a CRJ-300 from a flight of CT to dulles
And one of my flaps are out right now
I own an airplane
@AlphaOneIndustries Awesome I have only flown first class once becuase they messed up our seats so there we some empty seats for first class it was super cool.
Lots of times I have flown in one. I had to put one down during 9/11 so it wouldn't hit the Whitehouse.
@ElGatoVolador Excuse me?
This is why simple planes was age restricted.
@AtLeast6CharactersLong wow seriously dude!?
Yes, your mom and it was the best flight ever heh heh
I have flown in COUNTLESS planes but my 3 favorite to fly in are the a380 and the b777. Its pretty damn amazing to feel the sheer power those planes have!
To bad this has not been upvoted so other users can see. :(
It was really cool man. The pilot flew flew me around and showed me various points of interest. And then when it was time to land... he wasn't joking around. That plane dropped quick! 10/10 would fly like that again.
Awesome I wish I could go inside a prop plane one day :P I used to live right next to a small airport with tons of Cessnas and Leroy jets and other cool machines like Egg helicopters and blimps.
Various commercial airliners numerous times, a few smaller passenger planes. The most memorable was the flight in a Fairchild PT-19 open cockpit trainer. That was a very cool experience. I had the leather hat on and everything!
And I have been in a Air Tran Boing 717 4 times.
Yes I did an intro flight in my home state of Wisconsin and I flew a Cessna 172 over Madison with an instructor and I am going to start working on racking up some more hours.
Over 150 times. Passenger, but I might be piloting a Cessna Cardinal soon.
I've flown in a b 737 4 times and an Airbus plane intercontententally twice
I've flown in a Boeing 767-300 multiple times