Results yayy
DerpyCookie17 28 =1st
jacephysicsboss 26 =2nd
SimpleMachineIndustry 24 =3rd
Nobodygood 23
Mobius1Cyka 22
IssaIwan 22
Jacksonix 21.5
Geekpride 21
Randomdoggo 21
AmazingAidan 20
SanitaterAirlines 20
ThePre 20
teodor99 19
Badplanesdotnet 19
GiThatLikesPlanes 19
Patrick195 18
Shnippy 18
Theflier 18
ThePlaninatior 18
BIGBOI10101 17
JediWolf 16
XBoxPlays 16
AcTiveKiLLerz 16
Strucker 15
Odst578xl 15
Homemade 14
GabetheDoge 14
Buzzshot 14
Finally! Something I’m not crap at :’)
@Axartar that's no longer even a problem because now android is losing mod support because Google play is getting the same thing that Apple uses.......
The mobile part I meant about xml @JediWolf
@Axartar ah lol just being cheeky breeki eh? and fuselage blocks are EASY to edit on mobile i have built strange things using the strange that I can't upload them atm because they kinda go BOOM when spawned
Yes but if I were to use the original blocks, it would be harder for mobile users and the challenge would probably be named the classic challenge.
Vanilla tends to describe a basic thing using easily accessible parts.
No fuselage was a little twist I wanted to disappoint people with. As in make them feel annoyed and make this challenge unique.
Don’t worry you comment wasn’t harsh and I’m really glad you entered my competition. Thank you! :)@JediWolf
@Axartar I found something out that u didn't even realize! this technically WASN'T a vanilla challenge (via no fuselage blocks allowed) but more closely related to a CLASSIC challenge when those blocks had not been added. but this is all my opinion feel free to disagree i hope this wasn't a harsh comment.
Interesting XD
@Axartar thanks!
Honestly it’s fine, you did well! @GabetheDoge
I’m so proud of my self!
as I’m in like 28th place.
it’s fine, anyway this was my first challenge.
@Nobodygood lol you did well!
One point away, damn XD GG to all contestants, congrats to the winners!
Rewards delivered
Currently delivering rewards
@GabetheDoge @Buzzshot
@Strucker @Odst578xl @Homemade
@XBoxPlays @AcTiveKiLLerz @TUNDERTEAM
@ThePlaninatior @BIGBOI10101 @JediWolf
@Patrick195 @Shnippy @Theflier
@teodor99 @Badplanesdotnet @GiThatLikesPlanes
@AmazingAidan @SanitaterAirlines @ThePre
@Jacksonix @Geekpride @Randomdoggo
@Nobodygood @Mobius1Cyka @IssaIwan
@DerpyCookie17 @jacephysicsboss @SimpleMachineIndustry