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My absence lately...

6,239 Loopy200  5.7 years ago

This is for people who are friends with me in particular but if you want to know the story then go ahead.
This all sparked off at the beginning of the Easter break, this is where I moved house but was unfortunately unable to set up a WiFi connection for the whole of the holidays which sucked. Seeing as I was unaware of the absence of WiFi during the whole of the Easter break, I couldn't tell anyone about my inactivity. However while not being able to go on the website, I could continue with my Gameboy project (plz go check it out, not advertising, plz no ban) which I did. Towards the end of the Easter break we could finally set up a WiFi connection, by now I just wanted to watch YouTube and play on my games console. I did this for awhile which was actually a lot of fun after 2 weeks of not being able to. Finally, this led me far away from SP almost forgetting about it. But now, I just pushed my games console away and realized where I really belong.
The End...
P.S I still play on my Games console...
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