Have you seen a train in this game
How did you make your planes invisible? @XxwafflesxX
Whoa, whoa, whoa. I have three trains and a subassembly pack. Check them out if you dare
Iv'e seen someone make the monorail from Disneyland.
I know right @PuhBuhGuh
Yes I have. I have seen carts on tracks and trains without tracks, but never a train on a track.
???if not try to build one
How did you make your planes invisible? @XxwafflesxX
Whoa, whoa, whoa. I have three trains and a subassembly pack. Check them out if you dare
Iv'e seen someone make the monorail from Disneyland.
I know right
Yes I have. I have seen carts on tracks and trains without tracks, but never a train on a track.
???if not try to build one