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My Improvement

1,102 RBEEDUDE1  9.4 years ago

Im now bronze. Well, this is kinda an achievement for me. I guess I've never been recognised online before but some nice people came along, up-voted and commented on some planes that i worked hard on and I actually achieved something. The people who up-voted me, I'd just like to say thank you because it made me feel pretty good, and you've given me the encouragement to keep building and improving. Every time I finish a plane now I think "this is better than the last" then I upload it and the up-votes make it worth it.
Cheers guys, you've made me want to keep building and getting better, wether you read this or not I just want to put it here in recognition of you guys.
(Damn, I'm acting like i have 1 mil points or something XD)