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Placing fuselage on wing blocks

969 Nescafee  9.4 years ago

I saw on many planes that the fuselage blocks was put on wings and it looks more realistic. How to do this?

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    3,752 JumpingJack

    @AgDynamics so what you're saying is that wings that have wing properties can still work when covered or hidden inside a fuselage block?

    5.6 years ago
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    969 Nescafee

    @AgDynamics thanks a lot!

    9.4 years ago
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    3,802 PuhBuhGuh

    You still have to shape it though

    9.4 years ago
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    3,802 PuhBuhGuh

    Or on mobile you can just put the fuselage blocks on the wing.

    9.4 years ago
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    34.1k AgDynamics

    On Mobile: Take a fuselage block and make it .5 tall at the front and back. Rotate it 90 degrees to the left or right, and attach a wing to the end of the block, making sure not to attach the wing to the little connection point at the center of the fuselage block.

    In the 'Edit Fuselage Shape' dialog you should then be able to select the face of the fuselage block that the wing is attached to and hit "add section" and it will add a new section of fuselage that is clipped into the wing. The wing will be hidden inside the fuselage but still create lift as normal.

    On WIN/OSX: Basically the same process, but it becomes much easier with the ability to nudge. Nudge nudge nudge.

    9.4 years ago