Surprisingly, SP has not only a damage colour representation but also same for "healing"!
Iron Man comes back
Thanks for the tip! Will be including this on my newest LAPV
In the settings menu in the pause menu @FreeRangedLemon
Yes, a trick used since the dawn of time, I experimented with healing and fires a long time ago and found that healing does not extinguish flames, does anyone know if that has changed?
Mmmhmm. Nobody as use this in months, you should make something with it.
Iron Man comes back
Thanks for the tip! Will be including this on my newest LAPV
In the settings menu in the pause menu @FreeRangedLemon
Yes, a trick used since the dawn of time, I experimented with healing and fires a long time ago and found that healing does not extinguish flames, does anyone know if that has changed?
Nobody as use this in months, you should make something with it.