Why is this important?
so I posted an An-2 and if you look it only has 245 parts. and in the comments people kept asking how I build good replicas with low part counts. this has also happened on other builds. so that got me thinking, because I don't ever think about part counts what so ever. the only time I look is to tell my brother to tell him it can run on his laptop. like I'm being honest, the last thing I worry about is the part count.
So how do I do it?
Well, when people ask about my build style I will usually say "Experimental Aircraft, and Simple Replicas" because that's what I like to do. when I say simple replicas that mean that I heavily base the plane off a real plane. if my plane goes 25 MPH faster than the real one or is a little heavy that's fine, as long as it looks and fly's like the real one. I don't but every little thing on my builds, but I do when I think it would look better.
Another thing, when I build my An-2 I used hollow blocks to make window squares, instead of 4 parts for each window box I used 1hollow fuselage block. that's a nifty trick that I would recommend by the way.
What else?
when I make stuff its mainly for entertainment. adding 400 little parts everywhere to make the plane look 100% better for the same amount of upvotes as it not having it is just not worth it to me. like I say, upvotes are just a number, I play the game for fun. so I don't stress over everything. if it works, its good. and if I like it, ill post it, it I don't, I wont. its that simple, over done builds wont be posted by me. also, I just got a PC and I made that AN-2 in 2 1/2 days, on iOS that would take me like a week or more. so sense I have that time I can make the plane look overall better and not rely on having details everywhere. if that makes sense...
Use a part and stretch it out to make it look like its 10 parts