no, not really.
But yes, yes really.
This is a simplified version of whats going on. If requested, ill edit the post and write the full version. The full story extends back to 1592, so i wont post it here for now. This is just what's happened in the last week.
Japan just took Korea off of their "Preferential Treatment" list. This means that 1) they won't import nor export anything to or from Korea. And the much darker, 2) they won't come to aid Korea if Korea were to be in need of help.
Why is this a declaration of war? Because that's how the Korean War started in 6/25/50. The USA, on 6/23/50, drew a line in the Pacific Ocean, and said that they would put all countries West of that line on their Preferential Treatment list. Korea was not on this list. This basically gives permission to any country, including the US, to invade Korea without any repercussions, because Korea was East of the line. And that's exactly what happened, when Soviet Russia and China invaded Korea from the North.
So right now, Japan has given itself the right to invade Korea.
wont USA and China intervene at all?
no, they wont, for a very simple reason: both the US and China are allies with Korea and Japan. So siding with either side will break the alliance with the other, meaning that after the war, were it to break out, things get really messy.
And im currently in the Republic of Korea Air Force. ROKAF.
Dont think much of this "taking off the list" thing? Nobody thought much of it either, back on 6/23/50. And it escalated into a war. So this is serious. War might break out, and I'm not exaggerating when I say, it might break out in the next 2 weeks.
Hopefully, Shinzo Abe realizes that he's absolutely retarded and undo everything.
To any Japanese on this site that I've offended; it's not you. Im sure you're a great person. But your Prime Minister needs to rethink what he's doing.
And let me finish off with this: Korea is NOT at fault here. Japan is retaliating over a Boycott that the Koreans have been taking part in. The thing is, the Boycott was in retaliation to extreme Japanese trade hostility towards Korea. Japan's government fired first, and the Korean PEOPLE retaliated, not the Korean Government.
If war breaks out, and I just suddenly go silent, its because Shinzo Abe is the saltiest mothertrucker on the planet.
The entire nation is up and about, and its currently 1:15 am. Everyone;s terrified. (or at least, everyone at my Base is).
I'm just here to raise awareness of the generally terrible Prime Minister of Japan.
Thanks for reading.
@EternalDarkness thats fair, though the sad thing is that this is barely political, just some crusty Prime Minister being a douchbag cause he got a little offended, and I might have to go to war cause of it
@FreeRangedLemon where did i mention north korea?
the hell? did you even read the post?
More precisely the one about politics.
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Dear friend, I love geostratigic and Korea is the biggest example of interventionist policy in our century's history. Have in mind that when u talk about Japan, u basically referring to the USA's intrests in Chinese sea. The big game is who will control the trade roads to Singapore and from there to Europe. I believe that the best way to peace is the unification of the Korean peninsula. I don't think that there is a high risk of Japanese intervention for now. Remember there is a saying, devide and conquer. I believe that these hostilities are just highlighting the diversification in the area...
@Mattangi2 then Japan is being run by some stupid motherfers
Taiwan is saltier@Mattangi2
With All This Crap Going On In The Past 15 Years , It's Basically Every Day News That There Might Be A War On The Verge Of Bursting , We As A Spices Are Doomed , Technology Has Been Developing For The Good But At The Same Rate As Bad Things (Nuclear Weapons , ect ,ect)
@Mattangi2 lea, kim might be unhappy
I was thinking of the Vietcong @Mattangi2
I need to go back to 5th grade@Mattangi2
@Sm10684 wdym donkey kong? we're attacking japan with anime girls!
@thefalkenreich thats the thing. This is barely political. This is just the PM of japan being a salty d*ck.
@Minecraftpoweer not at war, but theres a chance that it might happen
@FreeRangedLemon who? You don't blame Shinzo Abe for trying to start another Korean War?
@JohnnyBoythePilot lmao Shinzo is not a cool dude. he denies killing almost a million Koreans between 1920 and 1945. i mean, he didnt himself, but he denies japanese involvement altogether. Hes basically a holocause denier.
Not a cool dude.
@Brields95 this is definitely NOT fake news, and I actually praise you for finding the audacity to say that it is.
@asteroidbook345 I answered which korea was at war… but I guess both are now? Is the north at war? idk...
@asteroidbook345 south
Pretty sure that's a violation of the USA Japan treaty. This is fake news.and if it's not my only hope is that when the US drops nuke #3 we do it from a B-29 just to let the world know who's in control.
Oh damn. I thought the PM of Japan was a pretty cool dude, but now he looks like a douchebag.