For my next map, I wrote a simple radar script that makes an object spin at a fixed speed. It works flawlessly in the Unity editor, but for some reason it stops working in simpleplanes. No error messages whatsoever, so I have no clue whats causing it.
@Gestour I think I found something. This error showed up in the dev console upon initialization: Could not add component 'Radar, Area51-Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' to game object 'Stationary Radar' because the component type could not be found. Are you familiar with this error?
@Gestour Interesting, I'll try again tomorrow and see what happens. I made a second map just to see if it happens there as well and it doesn't, so it seems to be something project/mod-specific. A very strange issue...
I am not sure why your script works in unity but not SP.
This is how I would write that though.
Void Update()
float RotationVector += Time.deltaTime * RotationSpeed;
this.transform.localEulerAngels = New Vector3 (this.transform.localEulerangels.x, RotationVector,this.transform.localEulerangels.z);
@Gestour Imgur here it is in all it's glory. Ignore all the red lines, that's just a bug I get in VS when using Unity 2018.3 and they don't fire any errors in the unity editor.
Show me the script.