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The 777-8x is a bit shorter than the 777-300Er

12.9k enzoBoeing757  5.6 years ago

heres the image
in here
Looking at the 777-8x and the 777-300Er, you can see the 777-8x is a bit shorter than the Boeing 777-300Er.
even if its a more modern plane than 773Er, the 778x is somehow still a bit shorter than the 773Er
even though its a bit longer than the 772

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    777-9x and 10x: Am I a JoKe To YoU?

    5.5 years ago
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    @DPSAircraftManufacturer yes

    +1 5.6 years ago
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    32.3k CRJ900Pilot

    Just because it’s more modern doesn’t mean it has to be bigger. Airlines are shifting over to smaller, more efficient, and most importantly cheaper to maintain planes. This saves money and is more practical in the long run. This is why the 747 is being retired, it’s just too expensive and not that practical. Planes like the 787 can do the same flights for half the cost.

    +1 5.6 years ago
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    30.4k ChiChiWerx

    In the airline world, there are many size variations in airliners. Airlines want to fill as many seats as possible on every route because that’s the most efficient way to fly an airplane. I fly 737-700s, 800s, 900s, 9ERs, and, someday, the MAX. Each airplane is filled as much as possible depending on the historical load for that route and the cost per seat mile is kept as low as possible in order to keep fares low and maximize profit. So it makes sense that one version of a large airplane may actually be smaller than the large version of a smaller jet.

    +1 5.6 years ago
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    8,069 Ryn176

    Why does it matter?

    5.6 years ago