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SP should have a major update

4,625 TheMaus  5.6 years ago

They should add flood lights, tracks, maywar(for mobile), 1 or 2 islands and small towns( why because there are airstrips but no towns) and also people and a customizable character.

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    30.1k TriStar

    What are the flood lights for if there's no flood for ios? (Joke)

    5.6 years ago
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    4,625 TheMaus

    Could be like Ksp @MechWARRIOR57

    5.6 years ago
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    4,625 TheMaus


    5.6 years ago
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    4,625 TheMaus

    Btw I’m saying this bcoz a 2000 part creation runs fine on my 2018 budget iPad

    5.6 years ago
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    104k Dllama4

    If you want your device to explode, sure.

    5.6 years ago
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    @Randomdoggo that is fair, that could work at the expense of a lot of people, obviously with some warnings saying "hey, uh if you do this and your device becomes a paperweight, you know the risks and its your fault"

    5.6 years ago
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    @Nickr well unlike that game, and if i recall correctly space engineers too hasent gotten its weekly update in a while or i just havent noticed, but the devs havent promised weekly updates, people who have been around for a while (i came before 1.3 ie the weapons for example) understand that updates are rare, and something to be excited about

    5.6 years ago
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    2,778 thecrusader

    @MechWARRIOR57 basically like the game space flight simulator it's been almost a year since its last update and the description says weekly updates

    5.6 years ago
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    all of these requests would require too beefy of a computer for mobile, maywar isnt coming any time soon, and people with character customization is most likely never going to come any time soon if at all, floodlights are doubtful but tracks might happen, small islands and maybe a small town of sort could work.

    but most importantly, 1.8 got released very recently we arent gonna have another major update anytime soon, especially with simple rockets two in development, so if any of this happens it wont happen for a very long time

    +2 5.6 years ago