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Russia's RS-28 Sarmat Nuclear Missile Truck (Update)

490 Shipt  5.5 years ago

The construction is going smoothly along.

Went past my guess of 150-200 parts.. way past.. it's now at some 850 parts (rounding down) this upload will be required specific mods. Not entirely sure how to go about uploading with mods. Unless I don't, comment how ever that works. Also, this creation MUST HAVE physics on high. Also if you want the little things like chrome windows and other very tiny bits of shine all around the creation then put aircraft reflections to SP Classic.

See you Soon!

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    490 Shipt

    Actually I figured it out, I use the mods I'm using. Then turn mods off when it's ready to upload. It should work fine.

    5.5 years ago
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    490 Shipt

    @JamesBoA 😂 guess I didn't describe it well enough. I'm aware of the Mod section, I'm using mods for my build. But how do I post it?

    5.5 years ago
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    490 Shipt

    @JamesBoA no prob, I've seen people upload their creations with some type of insert somewhere placed "mod required" I'm not sure how to go about doing that when it comes down to it, being as I use mods for this creation.

    (Example, Some tanks I've seen have the tracks on the tank be a separate mod)

    5.5 years ago
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    490 Shipt

    @JamesBoA do you know how you do the whole process of uploading with mods or not and giving a link and all that other jazz?

    5.5 years ago
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    490 Shipt

    (hELpfUl coMmeNts hEre)

    5.5 years ago