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[SLRP] MuffinAerospace's Carrier.

1,335 MuffinAerospace  5.5 years ago

not so much time ago, we launched the first carrier from our shipyard, the Trota Class. this ship isnt really a carrier, but its a S/VTOL "Carrier Cruiser". this ship is capable of carrying 40 MuF-2 "Ecke", or 20 MiR-1DVE's, or 10MiR-1DVE and 10 EAM-9Y
the Trota is also designed to sink ships. with a load of 48 VLS Tomahawks, 70 AIM-120 and 40 AIM-9 is a deadly opponent. this ship is also designed to be a Cargo Ship, Transport ship, LHD, and Hospital ship. its defences are 4 GoalKeepers CIWS and 1 Searam, Some chaffs and some flares, and 3 MuffinAerospace's BRD-85 Guided Bullets AutoCannon. (also this works as CIWS).
this ship isnt big, since MuffinAerospace is a Company and a Private Military company. we dont have so much personnel, and for that, this ship is long 160m X 25m.
we hope the best for this ship. it will be completed in RL September or October.

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    @Jim1the1Squid well, i putted em under the deck, also, all missiles (AIM-9 escluded) are VLS, Launched from the same deck where planes and helis take off.

    5.5 years ago
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    If it's not so big, then how can it hold the Tomahawks? They're cruise missiles, and are huge.

    5.5 years ago