not so much time ago, we launched the first carrier from our shipyard, the Trota Class. this ship isnt really a carrier, but its a S/VTOL "Carrier Cruiser". this ship is capable of carrying 40 MuF-2 "Ecke", or 20 MiR-1DVE's, or 10MiR-1DVE and 10 EAM-9Y
the Trota is also designed to sink ships. with a load of 48 VLS Tomahawks, 70 AIM-120 and 40 AIM-9 is a deadly opponent. this ship is also designed to be a Cargo Ship, Transport ship, LHD, and Hospital ship. its defences are 4 GoalKeepers CIWS and 1 Searam, Some chaffs and some flares, and 3 MuffinAerospace's BRD-85 Guided Bullets AutoCannon. (also this works as CIWS).
this ship isnt big, since MuffinAerospace is a Company and a Private Military company. we dont have so much personnel, and for that, this ship is long 160m X 25m.
we hope the best for this ship. it will be completed in RL September or October.
[SLRP] MuffinAerospace's Carrier.
1,335 MuffinAerospace
5.4 years ago
@Jim1the1Squid well, i putted em under the deck, also, all missiles (AIM-9 escluded) are VLS, Launched from the same deck where planes and helis take off.
If it's not so big, then how can it hold the Tomahawks? They're cruise missiles, and are huge.