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1,954 icecoldlava  9.4 years ago

I love all the challenges people are coming up with but guys... If you're going to make a challenge, tell us what to do, what can't we do, are modded engines allowed, when's the deadline, etc. Devs/site managers, I suggest we add a challenges tab with a link to submit plane.

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    @TaylorWatson12 agreed

    9.4 years ago
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    Trying to give an upvote to everyone that enters (Something I believe in) is getting hard because of the cool down! People complain about getting recognised and if we could upvote challenge entries quicker it would convince people to stay and not get stroppy with the community!@XVIindustries @AeroEngineering

    9.4 years ago
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    You want to know what to do? I said ask

    9.4 years ago
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    Yes. And a thing to automatically fonTe points to the winner because of cooldown

    9.4 years ago