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Indirect XML modding for IOS

16.5k MTBCrafter  5.5 years ago

Hey guys,
if there are any ios-players that want to XML modify their parts, this is a way to do so. 'Indirect' because you are not the person who is XML modding (sorry for that).
How it works:
-upload an unlisted creation only with the parts you want me to XML modify
-explain what you want me to XML mod (e.g. engine without weight or with less thrust)
-put a link into the commentsection of this post or ment me in a comment on your post
-I'll see what I can do
-hopefully you are happy with the result

Thanks for listening and have fun with your XML modded parts!

MTB ;)

PS: sorry if there are any mistakes, im super tired because I've got a job now and this was my first week.

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    5,449 CDRxavier

    I'm glad you got a job.

    4.3 years ago
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    439 Oofsoda

    @MTBCrafter I was meaning the cloud that it makes when it hits something to be made by 90000000000000X bigger

    5.2 years ago
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    439 Oofsoda

    @MTBCrafter make a propeller plane and the prop engine has 1 billon HP it would be faster than sonic

    5.2 years ago
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    16.5k MTBCrafter

    @Oofsoda sorry for not answering. I havent been that active the past few weeks. I dont thinkt its possible to scale the damage of bombs. So I cant do that for you. Sorry!

    +1 5.2 years ago
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    439 Oofsoda

    @MTBCrafter please respond to me

    5.2 years ago
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    439 Oofsoda

    Hey so I want you to make a boom-900000000000000 bomb that can destroy the whole island of bandit and Yeager and the convoy too please I’m on IOS send me the plane ok I’ll follow you so make the part upload it and I’ll be At it ok

    5.3 years ago
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    439 Oofsoda

    Hey so I want you to make a boom-900000000000000 bomb that can destroy the whole island of bandit and Yeager and the convoy too please I’m on IOS send me the plane ok I’ll follow you so make the part upload it and I’ll be At it ok

    5.3 years ago
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    1,559 CapCipher

    I need this
    jet engine done requests on page

    5.5 years ago