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White Aircraft

5,449 CDRxavier  5.5 years ago

No. I am not asking how to do custom colors and other stuff. I know those already.

Did you notice something in common about real-life aircrafts?

Like, they all have wings and fuselage and ....

That's right, but that's not what I am asking for.

Did you notice, that:

Most aircrafts are mostly colored white?

While it's plain, you have to accept the fact.
But WHY are they white? Why can't they, say, be pink?
Of course, some may say, you know, that Cathy Airlines (execuse my spelling) have theirs painted in blue and all the other kind of stuff.
Of course, "most" means there are a few that are not. The Cirrus Jet F-50, for example, have a paint scheme of light grey and blue. Most warcraft (wrong world, military aircraft) also are not in white but are mostly grey (uh ... yeah), but still are mostly white. Well, except camos.
Helicopters have a more variety of color, but they tend to be dark. Like military aircrafts even though they may not be those.
I don't think it's a trend here at Simpleplanes. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing, either.

What8s your favorite color?

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    5,449 CDRxavier

    "Mostly White" do not point out that they are white people, the grammar don't make sense that way
    Fine. I will change that to "Mostly colored white"

    5.5 years ago
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    5,449 CDRxavier

    Wow Air:
    "It ceased operations on 28 March 2019."
    Yeah, there are ones that are colored (as I pointed out, cathay pacific was one)
    Yeah, no camos, but they can paint whatever color they wanted, like black on other civilian aircrafts (say, the sirius arrivée). But most choose white as the background color.
    I'm saying this because a lot of aircrafts are not white, and some of them are not white because they think (white is not cool).
    White IS cool.

    5.5 years ago
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    5,449 CDRxavier

    Cars ...
    That's not true. There are few green cars (and it), but you have plenty of red and blue colors. Yellow, while scarce, can also be found.
    We have some golden (not true gold, lol). BRONZE (better) color paints here.
    If you say that most estate cars(so not trucks or other stuff) have 5 bolts for their wheel it may be better. (small cars have less, big cars like trucks have more)

    5.5 years ago