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Saltwater, in its various guises.

40.7k Typhoon03  5.6 years ago


Saltwater Factfile:

General Stats:
Name: Loyalist Principality of Saltwater
Population - 15,410,000
GDP - $883 billion
HDI - 0.935
National Language - English
Capital - NovrdLisch City
Religion - Saltee 69%, Christian 16%, Muslim 10%, Sikh 5%
Government - Electoral Monarchy
Military Budget - $86 billion per year

Saltwater governmental organisation:
Leader - Monarch
Upper House - Parliamentary Committee (12 members)
Lower House - House of Representatives (64 members)
Elections held - 5 years (House of Representatives), 2.5 years (Parliamentary Committee), upon death of previous incumbent (Monarch).

Saltwater Army:

  • x70 AIS-03 Dominion A2B tank destroyers.
  • x150 M1A2D Abrams A1C main battle tanks.
  • x700 P.007E-8P Hunter A1B armoured personnel carriers.
  • x400 Bionix II A1B infantry fighting vehicles.
  • x350 P.026A(U) Kristupas armoured cars.
  • x250 LRS-9 Sharpshooter light strike vehicles.
  • x500 SV-25 Javelin armoured supply trucks.
  • x150 SSPH Primus A1B self-propelled guns.
  • x40 CAMM-ER surface to air missile launchers.

Saltwater Air Force:

  • x72 F-15EA Eagle multirole fighters.
  • x56 AV-19 Peregrine II strike fighters.
  • x4 B-22BN Ventura strategic missile carriers.
  • x18 E-7 Wedgetail early warning aircraft.
  • x24 MPA-2B Cavalier maritime patrol aircraft.
  • x23 KC-46 Pegasus tanker aircraft.
  • x22 A400M Atlas transport aircraft.
  • x104 NH-90 Caiman multirole helicopters.
  • x72 MAH-11SC Puma attack helicopters.
  • x24 CH-47F Chinook helicopters.
  • x32 AT-5 Strike Venom trainer aircraft.
  • x24 K/UA T/A-8 Ayami advanced trainers.
  • x5 BN2 Islander utility transports.
  • x2 Airbus A220 short-haul airliners.
  • x12 T/C-22 Cloudmaster gunships.

Saltwater Navy:

  • x18 Sparrowhawk-class destroyers.
  • x4 NovrdLisch-class frigates.
  • x6 John C. Wilcox-class frigates.
  • x10 Kamorta-class corvettes.
  • x14 Carbonia-class corvettes (+2 reserve).
  • x28 Lapwing-class sloops.
  • x3 San Antonio-class landing platform docks.
  • x3 Temeraire-class landing helicopter docks.
  • x5 Supply-class replenishment ships.
  • x6 Dolphin-class attack submarines.
  • x1 Type-C battlecruiser.
  • x1 Echo-class survey ship.

Saltwater Naval Units:

• 1st Naval Task Group - homeported in Geropia.
- x1 Supply-class replenishment ship.
- x1 Juan Carlos I-class LHD.
- x1 San Antonio-class LPD.
- x3 Sparrowhawk-class destroyers.
- x2 Kamorta-class corvettes.
- x1 Dolphin-class attack submarine.
- x4 Lapwing-class sloops.
• 2nd Naval Task Group - homeported in Geropia.
- x1 Supply-class replenishment ship.
- x1 Juan Carlos I-class LHD.
- x1 San Antonio-class LPD.
- x3 Sparrowhawk-class destroyers.
- x2 Kamorta-class corvettes.
- x1 Dolphin-class attack submarine.
- x4 Lapwing-class sloops.
• 3rd Naval Task Group - homeported in Geropia.
- x1 Supply-class replenishment ship.
- x1 Juan Carlos I-class LHD.
- x1 San Antonio-class LPD.
- x3 Sparrowhawk-class destroyers.
- x2 Kamorta-class corvettes.
- x1 Dolphin-class attack submarine.
- x4 Lapwing-class sloops.
• 1st Patrol Squadron - homeported in Geropia.
- x3 Carbonia-class corvettes.
- x4 Lapwing-class sloops.
• 2nd Patrol Squadron - homeported in Geropia.
- x3 Carbonia-class corvettes.
- x4 Lapwing-class sloops.
• 1st Auxiliary Patrol Squadron - homeported in Geropia.
- x8 Carbonia-class corvettes.
- x8 Lapwing-class sloops.
- x4 John C. Wilcox-class frigates.
• 1st Auxiliary Escort Squadron - homeported in Geropia.
- x3 Sparrowhawk-class destroyers.
- x2 John C. Wilcox-class frigates.
- x1 Type C battlecruiser.
- x1 Echo-class survey ship.
• 1st Surface Ready Group - homeported in Geropia.
- x1 Supply-class replenishment ship.
- x3 Sparrowhawk-class destroyers.
- x2 NovrdLisch-class frigates.
- x2 Kamorta-class corvettes.
• 2nd Surface Ready Group - homeported in Geropia.
- x1 Supply-class replenishment ship.
- x3 Sparrowhawk-class destroyers.
- x2 NovrdLisch-class frigates.
- x2 Kamorta-class corvettes.
• 1st Submarine Squadron - homeported in Geropia.
- x3 Dolphin-class attack submarines.


Ground Forces:

16 Sentinel A1C main battle tanks.
4 Sentinel A2A main battle tanks.
25 Alligator APCs.
3 Spotter mobile radar systems.
5 Denier-S1 mobile air defence systems.
40 LRS-3 Scrambler utility vehicles.
5 Kristupas armoured cars.
25 Dhole utility trucks.
14 HSV-25S Javelins.
30 T-500 gun trucks.

Aerial Forces:

40 HXE-112 transport helicopters.
7 Drifter-C transport aircraft.
12 AC-M47E Libellule stealth fighters.
20 Lykins PR-1 Bobcat strategic reconnaissance aircraft.
4 C/T-22 Stardust transport aircraft.
14 Leonardo AT-12B Vento trainer/light attack aircraft.
30 A-38C/D GrayFox strike aircraft.
18 F-62A Hemlock interceptor aircraft.
16 RAH-42 Snowfox observation helicopters.
60 RSD.1 Nemesis drones.

Naval Forces:

Ashdown-class frigates (x4):
SWS Buzzard, SWS Campbeltown, SWS Freedom and SWS Regent.

Eden-class frigates (x2):
SWS Destiny and SWS Enterprise.

Islander-class hydrofoils (x6):
SWS Euryalus, SWS Cavalier, SWS Carisbrooke, SWS Yarborough, SWS Dragon and SWS Victorious.

Archer-class minesweepers (x5):
SWS Martello, SWS Charger, SWS Firefly, SWS Harrier and SWS Upholder.

Type-C battlecruiser (x1):
SWS Chieftain.

Lapwing-class sloops (x22):
SWS Lapwing, SWS Flamingo, SWS Black Swan, SWS Egret, SWS Ibis, SWS Whimbrel, SWS Woodpecker, SWS Wren, SWS Crane, SWS Cygnet, SWS Kite, SWS Lark, SWS Magpie, SWS Peacock, SWS Pheasant, SWS Redpole, SWS Snipe, SWS Starling, SWS Woodcock, SWS Wild Goose, SWS Hammerwood and SWS Raven.

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  • Profile image
    40.7k Typhoon03

    By the way, check the Forum.

    4.9 years ago
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    40.7k Typhoon03

    That doesn't matter. Perhaps it symbolises our alliance.

    4.9 years ago
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    @TheFantasticTyphoon man we have similar flags

    +1 4.9 years ago
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    40.7k Typhoon03

    Yes, it's the blue/black one on this ship's mast.

    4.9 years ago
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    @TheFantasticTyphoon do you have a flag for the country?

    4.9 years ago
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    40.7k Typhoon03

    Not necessarily, but it's a name I like and I thought it was quite appropriate.

    +1 5.0 years ago
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    40.7k Typhoon03

    SPMRP, a SimplePlanes roleplay.

    5.0 years ago
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    40.7k Typhoon03

    We are currently procuring a replacement.

    5.4 years ago
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    40.7k Typhoon03

    A VTOL strike fighter that operates from our carriers and cruisers.

    5.4 years ago
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    Ok, thanks 4 letting me know.

    5.5 years ago
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    40.7k Typhoon03

    The SWS Cavalier is being upgraded with an extra 120 VLS cells mounted in her forecastle. This will bring the total number to 405.

    5.5 years ago
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    7,875 MTakach

    @methirasoysa123 I would suggest by making a page about your country

    5.5 years ago
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    40.7k Typhoon03

    I'll help. First make up a nation and then make a forum post about it, like this one.

    5.5 years ago
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    7,875 MTakach

    @methirasoysa123 @TheFantasticTyphoon

    Sure the only rules are these: cant be more powerful than the creator, dont harass or be mean to anyone, and no crazy amount of weapons.

    5.5 years ago
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    40.7k Typhoon03

    @methirasoysa123 would like to know if he could make an SPMRP nation.

    5.5 years ago
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    7,875 MTakach

    @TheFantasticTyphoon you have called?

    5.5 years ago
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    40.7k Typhoon03

    @methirasoysa123 You would have to ask @MTakach .

    5.5 years ago
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    40.7k Typhoon03

    @Jim1the1Squid Ok, I understand now.

    5.5 years ago
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    It's a Laser Close-In-Weapons-System, and it's the second version, being Block 1.1

    5.5 years ago
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    40.7k Typhoon03

    @Jim1the1Squid Ok, great.

    5.5 years ago
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    Missiles: 600 miles
    Railguns: 670-690 miles
    7-inchers: 24-26 miles
    Phalanx/Dragon: 2-2.75 miles
    Brutus Drone: 700 miles

    +1 5.5 years ago
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    40.7k Typhoon03

    Ok, thanks. What is "Dragon LCIWS Block 1.1"?

    5.5 years ago
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    Oh, forgot to mention those...
    They each have up to 280 Advanced TLAM and 150 Harpoon missiles.
    The missile are the secondary armement, next to the railguns, which each have a range of about 670-690 miles.

    5.5 years ago
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    40.7k Typhoon03

    Thank you! What missiles do they have?

    5.5 years ago
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    They are the USS Warburg, Morton, Newport, Warford, Kraken, Maywar, Berkeley, and Lancaster.

    5.5 years ago
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