An Iranian F-14 Tomcat was spotted over Canadian territory, and lightly damaged an International Air Liner. I, as President of the United States, request for a meeting of these two countries, and some others, to discuss other ways of solving this issue without fighting.
The two leaders of these countries are:
thefalkenreich/Nerfaddict- Canada
Bman01- Iran
Through forums. Now I will be inactive for about 3-4 hours doing pregame for the football game later, so c ya.
@Aeromen BYW congrats on getting platinum!! 😃
I'm still trying to get it in shape, it'll take a bit longer.
And no, war ALMOST started, but I'm trying to keep them in check.
I will see about monitoring every vehicle going to and from Iran.
Make another post giving me details from you, Nerfaddict, and Bman01 so I can see exactly how it played out.
I'm pretty sure I already mentioned that the whole point of this post was to solve this without conflict...
You would need to visit the main post about RLRP and find the application for there.
Has anyone claimed Iran, I will
@thefalkenreich you stated that it was a drone. Which is it, drone or F-14?
@thefalkenreich well if Jim1the1Squid is ok (he the us person) sure
@thefalkenreich sure...I guess
@thefalkenreich Probably not alk airlines but cecertain aircraft
Hi I'm here