Personally, I haven't taken the time the get into XML modding despite buying this game on day 1...
However, it's not hard to see how popular it is and how much it benefits you whilst building.
So, doesn't it just make sense to allow making mods ingame using a specialised UI (User Interface) where you can select a part and change numerical values (Or even sliders!) which makes it simple and fair for everyone?
We could then perhaps have a separate section on this site to upload modded parts to share?
I think there should at least be a limit to how much power you can put into an engine or jet engine because i have a project that isnt powerful enough to move despite it having four maxed out enigines.
@Skua Dang, Fastest fighter that i have that is really stable is 2,400 mph
@mufasa6896 the big challenge actually becomes rounding errors in the physics engine - somewhere around 20,000mph, things start to go kinda wrong. I've got one that is stable at 35,000mph, but if you let it roll too much then it zips up to several times that speed before exploding
@Skua lol yeah there would be. The would however have the chalange of designing a plane that can handle ludicrous speed without snapping its wings. GL to whoever can do that
@mufasa6896 nah it's cool,I actually agree more with your side now. I still think it would result in an awful rash of dull planes, but it would be great for the people that do something good with it
@Skua yes, but without being able to mod jets, its impossible (highly impracticable) to create things like the sr71 that had duel turbo-ram jets that could bring it above mach 3.2 . These speeds simply aren't offered in SP without XML. And the amount of times ive seen mod request just to do an engine boost mod are ridiculous. Adding a config option for those who don't or can't XML mod would be very beneficial. And i get it, things like infinite fuel and absurdly modded jets are kinda boring and detract from the challenge. But a 1.5x or even a 2x or 3x jets are still much within the realm of speeds that real jets can achieve. And don't take what i'm saying here as a negative rant or whatever, just thought i would provide a different angle on this topic.
@Thelaw11 what system are you on?
How, What? I don't have a XML modding.
While it is modding, and some functions definitely shouldn't be integrated into the game (like changing the thrust of engines to make super engines for example) their are some building benefits of XML Modding that ABSOLUTELY NEED to be in the game. I'm talking about things that should have been there long ago, like the ability to rotate parts at small angles in the 1-5 degree range. Or even more importantly, having greater control over the sizes of fuselage parts. Removing or extending the size ranges would be great, and even better would be adding an extra slider that varies the change in size when you either increase or decrease the length or width of the fuselage part and its front and back faces(that way you could increase by large intervals of 0.5, or scale it down to something like 0.1 for small details). If these things were added, their would be almost no need for XML modding.
I don't really like the idea. It is called modding for a reason: it modifies the game. If it was that easy, It would take even more challenge out of building good planes.
@TaylorWatson12 Agreed. The game should be welcoming to both new and advanced players.
@JovianPat I think it's something the Devs should definitely look at!
Maybe an "Advanced Mode" option should be added somewhere in the game, this lets you to toggle the crazy modding stuff on or off.
YES it could be very fait for users who don't know how to mod
@Skua Well if done with a UI, you can set the limits of a value. If anything that will limit the ability to produce overpowered items!
@TheLatentImage Perhaps a setting to toggle between the two? Just to help people with no idea in the world of modding?
I like the idea of this, but I wouldn't want to include the ability to freely create things like massively overpowered engines or near-infinite fuel tanks. They have their place, and I mean nothing against anyone using things like that, but personally I think that they take the challenge out of building a plane. Being able to edit the positions of pieces would be fantastic, though.
I agree @TheLatentImage
That would take the fun out of it
@TheLatentImage YES and would even the field for ios without modding and android with the nudge movement
I agree with the ui, but I would prefer to be able to input my own values as opposed to sliders. Even with the new fuselage pieces having small size limit of .5 is rather limiting. Having a box to alter a pieces position and rotation on the fly would be very handy as well.