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[SLRP][RLRP][SPMRP] Destroyer hull ID types

6,852 Jim1the1Squid  5.5 years ago

A lot of people don't know what things like BB or DD or CB/CA/CL/CLAA mean. I'm here to clarify the Destroyers (DD).

DD: Destroyer; Common, Thin armor, Medium-heavily armed

DDA: Armored Destroyer; Rare, Very thick armor, Heavily armed

HDD: Harbor Defense Destroyer; Uncommon, Very thin armor, Very lightly armed

DDL: Destroyer Leader; Uncommon, medium armor, Medium-heavily armed

DDG: Guided Missile Destroyer; Common, Thick armor, Very heavily armed

DE: Destroyer Escort; Very common, Medium armor, Lightly armed

List of hardest to defeat to easiest to defeat using single mount 5" cannon:
DDG (Impossible)
DDA (Extremely hard)
DDL (Very hard)
DD (Hard)
DE (Medium)
HDD (Easy)

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    The destroyer Leader is designed to match the speed of the merchant fleet until a danger arises. Then, the destroyer picks up speed and chases off the target, or destroys it. As far as a jack of all trades, that is the DDA. It is a bit faster because it uses a more powerful engine, and more of them. It has sufficient armament to be considered a light cruiser, but also has the necessary speed and anti-ship weapons to be considered a destroyer.

    5.5 years ago
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    18.2k exosuit

    @Jim1the1Squid okay but how does placing more arnaments make the ship go faster. Isn't it the other way around?
    About it being at the middle of a light cruiser and destroyer, why don't you just make for example a fleet of both actual cruisers and destroyers, than to have a jack of all trades?
    About destroyer leader, i believe it's better to just use a regular destroyer vessel since merchant vessels don't sail at 32-38 knots. When dealing with submarines, a regular destroyer vessel should do the job perfectly fine because most destroyers have depth charge launchers. Or even better, a dedicated anti submarine fleet.

    5.5 years ago
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    The Destroyer Leader is specifically designed to have high speeds, around 32-38 knots while having an effective armament and still somewhat protected by its armor. These types of destroyers are the ones you'll find leading merchant convoys. They're designed for chasing submarines, or anything that tries to get close to the convoy, I.E. a submarine wolf pack.

    5.5 years ago
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    The armored destroyer is a slightly different version of a light cruiser, so to speak. It is slightly smaller than your average CL, but only by a fraction. Light cruisers range from 450-650 feet, whilst armored destroyers range within 300-500 feet. Light cruisers are designed for speeds if about 28-32 knots. DDA's are designed specifically for 30-35 knots. Most ships like the CL have a tactical diameter of around a half mile or even a full mile. The DDA has one that is around a quarter mile. Light cruisers' armament is usually a main battery, sometimes a secondary one, and the AA battery, with maybe a few depth charge launchers placed here and there. Armored Destroyers have their main battery, secondary battery, AA battery, and have both depth charges AND up to 12 torpedo tubes. There is a fine line between Light Cruiser and destroyer, and the Armored Destroyer rides that line.

    5.5 years ago
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    18.2k exosuit

    @Jim1the1Squid and what does Armored Destroyers or Destroyer Leaders do.
    aren't armored destroyers counterintuitive because the ship would lose something that makes Destroyer, a Destroyer.

    5.5 years ago
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    Well, there are some times when people need to know the type of destroyer on hand for the job. The Navy isn't going to send a WWII DD to a job that's meant for a Modern DDG.

    5.5 years ago
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    18.2k exosuit

    @Jim1the1Squid why are there so many destroyer types
    can't you just call them destroyers lmao

    5.5 years ago
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    @FreeRangedLemon CL-55 is the lead Cleveland-class light cruiser (USS CLEVELAND (CL-55))

    5.5 years ago
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    I'm not calling everything destroyers, @exosuit

    5.5 years ago
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    18.2k exosuit

    Or call them Battleships and Frigates and many more instead of calling everything as Destroyers

    5.5 years ago
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    29.1k Mattangi2

    slurp rlurp spmlurp

    5.5 years ago
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    69.5k Chancey21

    Question: why did you post this?

    +5 5.5 years ago
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    thx, m8!

    5.5 years ago
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    @TheFantasticTyphoon in case you got confused by the DDH, DD, and others.

    5.5 years ago