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XML modification questions

39.6k JoeAdkinson13  9.4 years ago

I have picked up a little on my own as far as XML mods go, I can move objects, change engine parameters..My question being what other mods can be done this way
1. objects weight?
2. when changing angle of attack on wings will it be visually noticeable? (have played with the angles but it seemingly has no effect)
3. Correct way too merge props?( I have been unsuccessful with this)
... and any tips or advice anyone would be willing to share would be great. I probably build some of the worst planes in the community.. but I really enjoy this game. Help me build better. Thanks.

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    26.3k Skua

    I can answer number two for you, because I used it to create this. I'm afraid I've got no experience with the other two. Regarding your last little note: don't be so hard on yourself! You're not far off of gold, you must be doing something right

    9.4 years ago