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Teaser of processing build

10.2k Ano  5.6 years ago

What do you think? I am building a bigg factional build. And the reason why im not posting much is I am in SLRP and it make me quite not free and i've got lot of build that will not posted. I'll grater them and post next time

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    @Anio you're overreacting over a sentence that wasn't even a direct insult, chill

    5.6 years ago
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    10.2k Ano

    @TurboSnail No ,since you insulting my build while you aren't even better than me yet. I will surely not said all of this if you are better than me such as Belugasub and more. But since you build just a bunch of a random fuelsage scrambling together as something that i wasnt called "Plane"

    5.6 years ago
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    10.2k Ano

    @TurboSnail And "More sink with that weight" just like you are insulting my build. And said it had bad weight

    5.6 years ago
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    10.2k Ano

    @TurboSnail It totally a joke after you search google and knew it truth? That was sick. As you are kid i will not take it seriours

    5.6 years ago
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    10.2k Ano

    @TurboSnail Bismack weighted 42,000 tons. And it not sunk. How that possible? You better do research before show your stupidity to the community

    5.6 years ago
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    10.2k Ano

    @FreeRangedLemon "Boat" ?

    5.6 years ago