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How do you make a muzzle flash using flares?

6,852 Jim1the1Squid  5.3 years ago

I've been trying for-freaking-ever to make a cannon that has muzzle flash, but I can never get it right, simply because I know absolutely nothing about XML modding flare dispensers.

Could someone please help me, or at least tag me on a tutorial/build that employs the usage of this feature?

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    @Jim1the1Squid then I'm pretty sure that it wasnt flares, it was probably one of the things where the detaches also shoot a small fuselage that gets destroyed instantly and the small explosion is the muzzle flash

    5.3 years ago
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    5.3 years ago
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    @Jim1the1Squid what did the tank fire? Bombs? Rockets? Bullets? Missiles?

    5.3 years ago
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    @Minecraftpoweer I don't remember!

    5.3 years ago
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    @Jim1the1Squid and which user was that

    5.3 years ago
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    Keep in mind that I saw some other user try this, and they pulled it off successfully.

    5.3 years ago
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    @Jim1the1Squid using flares as muzzle flash needs to use flares as the gun because you cant change the input on flares nor other weapons. And if you plan to shoot the gun and fire a flare manually, good luck, that is very inconvenient. They got to fire at the same time.

    5.3 years ago
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    I'm asking about muzzle flash, not using it as an actual gun.

    5.3 years ago
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    @Jim1the1Squid I never use flares for guns, sure they can do damage but you cant have them go too fast or too slow or they wont do damage, they can also ricochet very easily and just feel weak, uneven if they damage something they dont have that bang in them. Also you can barely tweak and edit flare stuff, its ammo, activation group, force and "reload" (just spam the button and it wont matter) but generally for flare cannons people put chaff close to the end of the barrel. You cant change its size or anything.

    5.3 years ago
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    5.3 years ago