Just send me any plane VTOL,Prop,jet,boats,cars,And even experimental Air craft.
Send me any plane to see if it deserves to be in the EXO AEROSPACE Hall of fame
330 ghostface4595
9.4 years ago
Just send me any plane VTOL,Prop,jet,boats,cars,And even experimental Air craft.
These are all great aircraft and subs
My FX-43 Naos v2
My phantom mk2 refit and my kittyhawk mk4
This :D
Go check out my last like 6 or 7 planes I think they where some of my best works👍🏾
Deserves? That's kinda mean for anyone you would deny. But check out some of my planes xD
That wasn't the one I was thinking of. I was thinking of this one
@AeroEngineering yes it is in there
The one with all of the details on the wings
@ghostface4595 the newer one
@AeroEngineering which one ?
@AeroEngineering ill look at it
@XVIdarkLithium lol
All my planes :D
My AeroEngineering E-190