An defensive blockade has been put somewhere on erebus and will target any threats that tried to break.
Also an over 5 dummy bases has been built.
Also a mass invasion to united regions of daren will be performed invasion starts 2 hours.
Aerial bombings and naval landings for ground troops.
Erebus Armed Forces will be using 3 railgun strikes on daren and they will use 3 nuclear reactor that will cause an blackout on cities erebus for 1 day
@Theflyingtrex who?
@Theflyingtrex .....
Yeah sure go ahead
I dont belive so, @DeidaraEnterprises
@Theflyingtrex yes with me on the watch.
Oh and ps. There are 4 different countries attacking you, and you think you can slip away with a huge fleet ready to preform a mass invasion without being seen? @0n33
@Jim1the1Squid railguns with 630 miles range..
Is that sub space orbital rsilgun?
And i hope your invasion forum wont be as unreallist as YOUR LAST ONE, we have 4 different countries protecting us, and look at operation tesla's act 1 and 2.5
We agreed this would not get nuculear, you broke the rules, and youll face the consequences @0n33
You have three silver user between 1,200 and 4,050 points and a platinum user against you. Add it up, and that's 4v1. Do you still think you can win?
Warburg will send out our three Fortitude-class battleships, along with hundreds of other vessels to defend. Each Fortitude class has 13 railguns with a range of over 650 miles.