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Poll # Next challenge

316k mikoyanster  5.6 years ago

Dear friends, after the CAS Challenge, many of you have asked me for a new challenge. I want to ask you what kind of challenge you like, so I propose several ideas and listen to suggestions. I would like to see what you want most. Keep in mind that organizing these events takes me a long time and I will soon be back from vacation. I want to say with this, that it may be the last challenge for this year. Therefore, I ask you to choose well and carefully.


Click HERE ==> What kind of challenge would you like?



I just looked at the results and this is what I found ...

Results of the poll

So that's how things stay ...

39 votes - Naval Attack Challenge
38 votes - Drone Challenge
24 votes - Light Fighter Challenge
22 votes - Deep Strike Challenge
15 votes - Negative Wing Challenge
14 votes - Wild Weasel SEAD Challenge
14 votes - Multipurpose Fighter Challenge
13 votes - Advanced Trainer Jet Challenge
13 votes - Dogfight Challenge
12 votes - Acrobatic Airplante Challenge
11 votes - STOL Civil Challenge
11 votes - VTOL Fighter Challenge

From what I see, he has been very close between the drone challenge and the naval attack challenge. This leads me to the conclusion that a few challenges will have to be made. We will start with the winning challenge in the voting, "Naval Attack Challenge". The drone challenge was already done several times, but if interest is confirmed, we will do it again, however, we would have to think about adding something new or differentiating. The same goes for the challenge of light fighter aircraft. However, I also found it very relevant, the interest in the challenges of "Deep Strike Challenge", "Negative Wing Challenge" and "Wild Weasel SEAD Challenge".

The "Deep Strike Challenge" could be an interesting option, since it would allow the creation of a new map, in which the objective would be to evade the air defenses to attack a strategic objective in the heart of the enemy territory, similar to the film of the A -6 Intruder.

The Wild Weasel challenge would also be interesting, because a map would be created to prove the destruction of SAM batteries / turrets. This is so, because in SimplePlanes Mod Tools for Unity, I can create different levels of difficulty for these SAM batteries, which would allow aircraft to be tested and could be interesting.

The challenge of "negative wing" could be interesting for the type of construction, and adapt it to some type of air-to-air and air-to-ground combat test ... or maneuver tests.

I also note that VTOL and STOL have their adherents. A STOL challenge could measure the landing and takeoff distance of airplanes on a custom map.

In conclusion, we begin with the challenge of naval attack and successively we will make more challenges to fulfill everyone's wishes.

I want to thank you for your participation in this mega-survey, and say that I remain open to any idea, both for this coming challenge, as for others. I will try that each challenge I publish has its own map-mod, to give it more added value. I hope you participate in the next challenge and we can enjoy this great game. Thank you all!

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    @pavthepilot yes sorry

    5.6 years ago
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    31.2k pavthepilot

    @mikoyanster ok, can you not mention me next time please

    5.6 years ago
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    @pavthepilot i mentioned you to invite for vote, thank you

    5.6 years ago
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    31.2k pavthepilot

    Would you mind explaining me why did i get mentioned?

    5.6 years ago
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    56.2k AviownCorp

    @mikoyanster voted!

    +1 5.6 years ago
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    With it being so close, why not combine them? Naval strike UAVs sound like quite the fun option.
    Also, when will this challenge be started?

    5.6 years ago
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    @asteroidbook345 the community wants naval attack challenge...

    5.6 years ago
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    When you been messing with building torpedo bombers for the last few weeks.

    It was like I was made for this.

    5.6 years ago
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    25.5k AceMcCloud

    Narco Sub with Cocaine Torpedoes count?

    5.6 years ago
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    48.7k Sm10684

    @Stormfur I made a offroad challenge if you want to join

    5.6 years ago
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    15.9k Stormfur

    It appears I was too late to add a suggestion. But as it was a Truck Challenge suggestion, who cares lol

    5.6 years ago
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    Yes... me want.

    5.6 years ago
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    @mikoyanster Lol

    5.6 years ago
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    @StallFlight ??? I don´t know...

    5.6 years ago
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    Where's my suggestion? Aerial Reconnaissance

    5.6 years ago
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    @HarryBen47 We will go little by little ;-)

    5.6 years ago
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    12.6k HNL47

    Wow you have to do a lot sir

    5.6 years ago
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    158k MAHADI

    what...? no spaceship? sighs...
    well, there's a tie between Drone and Naval attack now. each got 38 votes.

    5.6 years ago
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    Alternative modus operandi Challenge: Unconventional wings/bodies, control systems, propulsion, etc. Basically abandon current aerospace and flight standards and find an alternative that also works. The further you can push the envelope and create something non conventional and yet retain stability and control response, the better your score. Prototype civilian, military, enthusiast, black budget, alien, whatever. Get outside the box, further the better.

    5.6 years ago
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    I has emerged

    Finally, time for i to request VTOL challenge

    5.6 years ago
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    Guys, we should stop commenting what we want. There is a poll if you click on the big ol’ CLICK HERE.

    5.6 years ago
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    STOL challenge af boi

    5.6 years ago
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    @SimpleBoii dude when are you going to get to gold?

    5.6 years ago
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    Flying banana challenge

    5.6 years ago
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    12.4k goxictamer88

    this picture looks really cool

    5.6 years ago
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