I've only heard about this recently but apparently the Amazon rainforest is on fire!
I mean seriously! What?!?!?!?!
The largest rainforest on planet earth is burning up at this very moment.
What this could result in:
* Death
* Stupid amounts of the green house gas Co2 being released into the atmosphere (you know what that means...)
*The largest eco system on earth being destroyed which means entire species of plants and animals, gone
*Less trees to absorb Co2
*More things I'm not smart enough to understand
*More death
I just wanted everyone to be aware of this, I mean no one here can really take action.
So yeah...
@Orbit well yes,
but actually no
in reality overpopulation is a big problem and probably soon will reach that number.
sorry late reply
@Loopy200 7 billion people, not 8 billion
@Jetliner101 oh ok
@thefalkenreich ummmm ok...
@CruzerBlade well we do have some plan including eco friendly power generaters (wind, solar ect) but yes people who say that usually don't know why they're actually gonna do
@Jetliner101 do you really talk to your mother with that mouth?
"let's save the planet!" said everyone, not knowing how
@Loopy200 Don't @me again never mind what I said....
@CruzerBlade yup I guess that's how it will be.
Humans create a problem
They fix the problem
Some of those problems are yet to be solved
@Jetliner101 How is it on fire?you mean the trees?
@BACconcordepilot ok that's a very reasonable answer, really I uploaded this so we could discuss it a little too.
@Awsomur yes now tell the world!!!
@Roswell after thousands of years of yes it will, but it will be too late by then the Amazon rainforest produces 5% of the world's oxygen. That may not sound like much but with a growing population, the earth is demanding more oxygen not less.
@thefalkenreich have a snickers
also @Tully2001 @EternalDarkness we got some sweary situation down there
humans always find a way to screw up the planet don't they
I’m a god dang genius
It will grow back.
@YourWife it seems you have detected that too
Anger levels - 100%
@thefalkenreich You Look Like You Are Getting A Little Angry. Go Eat Some Granola Or Maybe Perhaps Even Some Chips To Calm It Down Cheef.
@RailfanEthan what does?
@Loopy200 depends heavily on the type of tree
@asteroidbook345 lol ok you seem to know a lot about it
@Blue0Bull yeah oxygen gone
Humans gone
@asteroidbook345 yeah I guess I don't study geology just kinda learn about it from books and youtube