Side Notes:
The BHA-40, though it looks extremely similar is a completely different build.
So far it's pretty maneuverable (though I wish it was a little more, so I'm working on that) with the fastest recorded speed being 1200mph.
Thought I might actually make teasers and promote this because teasers are fun to make and I don't do it a lot.
So what is the overall differences between the two aircraft? Like outward changes, inward changes, role changes, stuff like that? Because I’m legitimately interested in this aircraft!
@StallFlight lol what xD
BHA-40 actually stands for BruH Alert 40
@FreeRangedLemon we had a slight falling out
@BlackhattAircraft hey bud can yah forgive me at all?
@BlackhattAircraft np
Thanks @AircroftDesigin
Pretty cool
I see you found my Instagram @FreeRangedLemon
@Belugasub @CrashFighter05