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Why hasn’t anyone done this...

4,464 Generalkeath  5.3 years ago

I spent 3 day looking through the MLX tab and couldn’t find any environs with a mass scale of 0 and had the power modified. I would make them my self but sadly I only have IOS, but you guys can do this for me. Right?

I’m pretty shure I’m no the only one who though about this

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    4,464 Generalkeath

    @TMach5 I hate to keep asking you for help ,but I need to make another request, I was wondering if you could scale up the Arrester hook by .5, .75, 1,1.25 I also need this done befor the 31st

    5.2 years ago
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    114k TMach5

    @Generalkeath Heres the lowMass correction...LINK

    5.3 years ago
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    114k TMach5

    @Generalkeath I just realized I made a mistake on that post. I forgot to reduce the MassScale. I will repost soon.

    5.3 years ago
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    4,464 Generalkeath

    Thanks a lot. You mean a lot to this community @TMach5

    5.3 years ago
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    114k TMach5

    @Generalkeath Here ya go...LINK

    5.3 years ago
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    4,464 Generalkeath

    Any of them really, I mostly use the beff jet @TMach5

    5.3 years ago
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    114k TMach5

    Let me know which engine you want with those power settings @Generalkeath

    5.3 years ago
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    4,464 Generalkeath

    Well I’m looking for x2 x3 x4x5 any others would be too powerful @TMach5

    5.3 years ago
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    114k TMach5

    What power levels are you looking for?

    5.3 years ago
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    114k TMach5

    I'm assuming you mean "XML" and "engines". I can set you up with near zero Mass engines, if you like? Setting parts to zero mass causes weird problems in the game.

    5.3 years ago