AS the title says I've been gone for a little over a year and wanna start building again but first i see the game changed quite a bit so I am wondering what modes should i install, so far i've installed: fine tuning mod, overload mod, both of the tracks mods, metric conversion mod, advanced targeting mod. And I would like to know if any of the building mechanics changed or the physics.
Thank you for your understanding.
Designer Suit is the best mod ever
@Loopy200 god it would be so cool
Yes you can now go to space and actually experience zero gravity, more weather conditions (lightning ect) , travel the globe and experience higher quality images.
Yes a lot has changed.
Welcome back.
Download this. jk no dont i made it
I checked out some white users that have last spoken since the beginning of the game
Hello person.
@Jetpackturtle I remember you too
oh hi i remember u
Adios homeboy