Toshiba Canvio External HDD. 500 GB is enough. And my 8 GB flashdisk. AND also on other drives. I don't want that traumatic experience to happen ever again in my life.
Toshiba Canvio External HDD. 500 GB is enough. And my 8 GB flashdisk. AND also on other drives. I don't want that traumatic experience to happen ever again in my life.
@TheLatentImage I know, but what will happen if I exit the game afterwards? Also I lost all of my aircraft once when I was upgrading to windows 8 a few months ago. Fortunately I haven't made a lot a lot of planes since that time.
@AgDynamics that's what that almighty undo button is good for. Just undo until you get to a non messed up plane, save that. Go back into the xml.
I'm running off a Galexy 4s so I just upload them.
@AgDynamics lol yeah since you're an XML wizard XD. I don't usually mod except for making more powerful engines.
Pfft, backups. I usually just edit XML by the seat of my pants and hope I don't forget to close a paren or something. If I break a plane while editing, I hunt down the error and fix it.
@XVIdarkLithium I usually copy the whole folder called "Simpleplanes" into my HDD or flashdisk.
@XVIdarkLithium I'm not online all the time so I rarely upload as unlisted
@NovaTopaz That works until you forget where you copied them
@XVIdarkLithium That, and directly copying the XML files as a backup.
Uploading them as unlisted works