Anti- vaccination hotline if you’re an anti-Vaxer go here
Thanks @WhyAreWeHere
This post is amazing
:) They call you Gestour for a reason I see @Gestour
There's two things that never grow old, Anti-vax jokes, and Anti-vax kids.
Lol @CruzerBlade
bUt vAcCinEs cAusE aUtiSm
I know, trying to make a meme @Gameboi14
I am no anti-vaxxer
Thanks @WhyAreWeHere
This post is amazing
:) They call you Gestour for a reason I see @Gestour
There's two things that never grow old,
Anti-vax jokes,
and Anti-vax kids.
Lol @CruzerBlade
bUt vAcCinEs cAusE aUtiSm
I know, trying to make a meme @Gameboi14
I am no anti-vaxxer