I mean, that wing should be at this same place as it have been placed, but in my planes wings are trying to be fricking bird wings! Can somebody help me fix this?
I mean, that wing should be at this same place as it have been placed, but in my planes wings are trying to be fricking bird wings! Can somebody help me fix this?
Take a primary wing from one of my newest planes. They don’t move at all. @DogePlayzTV
Use a primary wing and with xml change part Id to
I believe and then reattach it so it gets changed to a structural wing with control surfacesSimplePlanes u suck.
@Jim1the1Squid :( I have broke SP, blocks don't work
The outer fuselage block.
gtg, cya
@Jim1the1Squid At the top of what?
Put super tiny blocks on the top and bottom, then blend them to be invisible but not be on top of the wing itself so that it acts as a sort of clamp.
@Jim1the1Squid Inside fuselage blocks now.
Are you using wings inside fuselage blocks, or just wings?
@Jim1the1Squid Still don't understand.
Supports that are internal, or on the inside.
@Jim1the1Squid What are "Internal Supports" since I never have heard about them.
@Jim1the1Squid What you mean?
@Zoomzoom999 Eh, uh. Even if I'm on PC how I make structural wings, control surface option true?
Add internal supports.
If that doesn't work, then I would try decreasing square footage of the wing and finding a way to increase wing loading.
Use structural wings with control surfaces set to true. If you are not pc, ask someone to xml a structural wing to enable control surfaces
@Jim1the1Squid Or just they flap sometimes, by itself.
@Jim1the1Squid Yes, I mean that theirs dihedral is going up and down when I fly down or up.
I would add internal supports to stop the flapping, if that's the case.
Bird wings, as in they're flapping?
Somebody can help me, et cetera?