@Skua I made an infinite shooter where you were this guy firing lasers at uncooked bread: "Breakfast Defenders" xD the game was decent considering I did it in a week xD
@DeezDucks I use Inkscape because a) I can't afford the Adobe suite and b) I've been using Inkscape and GIMP for so long that I'm actually far better with those than I am with the Adobe suite
The deck extends 142 blocks forward from the cockpit, and 26 back. There's a chamfer about 1.5 blocks long included at the end of the 142. So, taking in to account the 2 blocks for the cockpit, that's 170 blocks / 85m / 280ish ft
@SkullFace I'm afraid I don't. How come?
@Skua do you play planetside2
I wuz here
@DeezDucks I definitely want to play this now
@Skua I made an infinite shooter where you were this guy firing lasers at uncooked bread: "Breakfast Defenders" xD the game was decent considering I did it in a week xD
@DeezDucks nice! What sorta games did you do?
@Skua Thx I used inkscape for a video game design camp this summer xD I'lll try to make my own as well.
@DeezDucks I use Inkscape because a) I can't afford the Adobe suite and b) I've been using Inkscape and GIMP for so long that I'm actually far better with those than I am with the Adobe suite
@Skua What program?
@DeezDucks I made it last night and uploaded it to Gravatar. However, since it's a bit rubbish, I'm gonna make a better one tonight
@Skua howd you get that custom gravatar?
The deck extends 142 blocks forward from the cockpit, and 26 back. There's a chamfer about 1.5 blocks long included at the end of the 142. So, taking in to account the 2 blocks for the cockpit, that's 170 blocks / 85m / 280ish ft