Well this is a leaked image of this aircraft near the Airbus test field.
Have you ever saw an Airbus A340 but with without those ugly winglets?
15.9k Vidal99977
5.5 years ago
Well this is a leaked image of this aircraft near the Airbus test field.
Active Thrust Reverser R.I.P.
never seen one
I’ve seen a few of them without winglets, such as this one.
Also rip that you got banned from the IFC
Winglets are good though
No it didnt luckily @DeezDucks
I think the winglets are quite cool on the Airbus aircraft. Also, did the plane crash after this picture was taken? Seeings as the flaps are fully down and the thrust reversers are on
Lauda Air 004 intensifies @Vidal99977
I was testing the stall speed while in the air @CruzerBlade
did you just deploy the reversers while on air
Lol @Thelegitpilot13
No winglets...? But... efficiency is key...
*Panicked German noises *
Probably about 2 months or less idk @KEKS
aBoUt HoW mUcH uNtIl ReLeAsE1?