(Disclaimer: this is not a screenshot of the actual craft)
So that Kirov Airship im working on is almost complete, expect it soon.
but for those of you who just absolutely cant wait, you can have this; an incomplete version here
T to be tagged when its finished
now go away.
@FishMiner oh, that makes sense.
@AWESOMENESS360 my version doesnt have th e internal volume
@FishMiner oh ok, I assume that's due to lag?
@AWESOMENESS360 but my version doesnt have an absurdly large amount of bombs for obvious reasons.
@FishMiner oh, almost infinite you say?
@AWESOMENESS360 actually the kirov carrys an almost infinite supply of 850 kg bombs.
I imagine that if the Kirov was an actual thing irl, it would be larger than a city block, and the bombs in it's bomb magazine would be the supposed 100-Megaton TSAR Bomba.
@PositivePlanes so did you hurt your toe because of the image or because of the craft in the link?
@Randomdoggo i hope you werent disapointed regardless.
*Kirov Reporting Intensifies Even Further Beyond *