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Turret control

75.6k MOPCKOEDNISHE  5.6 years ago
Version 1.1 Part

This mod allow you aiming like in War Thunder:

It looks like my old mod- tank aiming. I have took the sights from this mod. But now it works more stable: game no crashes.


MT-21B4 Grizzly
BTR-83A M6H9

This mod break all game cameras. When you activate aiming mode (Activation Group 7 by default), then position and rotation of all cameras (Chase, Fly By View and other) will changing:

But the mouse aiming mode will work good when you again enable it.
In Gizmos category have added to new parts: Cannon laser pointer and Aim:

These parts have a simple parallelepiped model. You will see it in designer, but they become invisible when you start the game.
Cannon laser pointer should be on cannon of your tank. Like this:

It show you the direction of the cannon:

You craft can have any count of cannon laser pointer. You can attach it to turret machine guns too.
Aim should be attached to the cannon to. But it should have the position of aim you want. For example, left side of the cannon. Like this:

You can see that aim have no attributes.
You craft should have only one aim.
New attributes of parts:
Now Turret horizontal rotator and Turret vertical rotator have input controller. This input controller have input Activate8 by default. It mean that at start rotators will work. But if you disable Activate Group 8, then rotators will have zero rotation. It allow you to create different groups of weapons. On gif main turret have input Activate1, machine gun turret- Activate 2. And i can separate control it:

Turret horizontal rotator and Turret vertical rotator now have a stabilizer. And new attribute: Stabilizer sensitivity.
Stabilizer work:

It is possible situation when stabilizer can not compensate high turn rate of hull. And increase stabilizer sensitivity will not fix it:

It can fix only increase the speed rotation of rotator.
Very high value of stabilizer sensitivity create uncorrect work of stabilizer:

You can see that stabilizer turn turret with more speed than hull turn.
Dont set very big value of stabilizer sensitivity.
It can explode your tank.
On this gif value of the stabilizer sensitivity of the vertical rotator = 10:

The value of the stabilizer sensitivity can be different for different vehicle.
In the MT-21B4 Grizzly tank in example tanks the value of horizontal stabilizer sensitivity = 8, vertical stabilizer sencitivity = 3.
In BTR-83A M6H9 the value of horizontal stabilizer sensitivity = 4, vertical stabilizer sensitivity = 1.
Turret horizontal rotator and Turret vertical rotator have a new attribute: Invisible. You can make this parts invisible in level.

Turret laser pointer:

1.You craft should have only one turret laser pointer.
2.For correct work of PC mode: mouse movement turret laser pointer should be attached to the HULL of your tank or other vehicle.
3.Turret laser pointer have not collider anymore.
4.New attribute: Invisible.
5.New attribute: Show UI tank. This attribute enable or disable this:

Camera section attributes for PC mode: mouse movement:
Toggle zoom - enable camera zooming. Not change field of view, just change camera position.
Toggle aim - toggle aim. Set "None", if you will not use aim in your vehicle.
Aim type - type of aim. Exist a two types.
Camera height - height of camera relatively turret laser pointer.
Camera height increase - You rotate camera around laser pointer. And when you toggle zoom, then camera begin zooming. If this value will be 0, then aiming will not comfortable:

This value increase the height of the camera relatively turret laser pointer when you zooming:

Camera distance - distance of the camera relatively turret laser pointer.
Minimal target distance, m - if this value = 0 then you can aim in own vehicle. It is not very comfortable:

This value set the radius around camera. Inside this radius your "ray of aiming" will ignore all objects. And you will can not aim to your own vehicle. It is more comfortable:

I present to you my new mod: Turret control.
This mod allow to control any count of turrets by mouse. All of turrets will look in one point:

You can control tank turret with machine gun on it:

or helicopter machine gun:

and of course you can use it for naval turrets:

these turrets from this craft


Example turret
Example multi turret
Example tank
Naval turrets

This mod contains 3 parts in Gizmos category: Turret laser pointer, Turret horizontal rotator and Turret vertical rotator:

Principle work of aiming:
Turret laser pointer create a Target. You change position of the Targer by mouse clicking or screen touching. Horizontal and Vertical rotator look to this target.


1.Turret horizontal rotator must have rotation (0,0,0). In designer you can see the prompts:

2.Turret vertical rotator must have rotation (0,0,270). In designer you can see the prompts:


1.Turret laser pointer:

Show pressed key - show you in level last pressed key.
Show target point - show you target point.
PC settings:
It is a three types of pointing:
In first type target position have a position of your cursor while you hold the mouse button:

In second type target remember the position of your cursor even you don't hold the button:

In third type target "sticks" to object which you have click. This is a auto tracking type:

PC users can use all of this types in the level. It have defaults buttons Mouse0 Mouse1 and Mouse2, but you can enable "Show current key", remember the key name which you have seen and set same key in Pointing type 1 Pointing type 2and Pointing type 3 via Overload mod.

2.Turret horizontal rotator:

Speed of rotation - speed of rotation.
Invert rotation - invert rotation (need for down-sided turrets).
Use limits - use limits.
Invert limits - invert limits.
Max left angle - maximal left angle of rotation in degrees. You can not set less then 5 degrees and more then 175 degrees.
Max right angle - maximal right angle of rotation in degrees. You can not set less then 5 degrees and more then 175 degrees.
Section "Is this turret back oriented?"
Answer: No/Yes. This attribute need for back-oriented turrets. You can read about this below.
Section "Show orientation prompt"
Answer: - enable or disable orientation prompts in designer.
Repair rotation, AG - sometimes your turret can stuck (this is a bug). Choose Activation Group that will repair it. It is 7 by default. If your turret is stuck, enable this Activation Group and disable this Activation Group. This action will repair the rotation of turret.

3.Turret vertical rotator:

Speed of rotation - speed of rotation.
Invert rotation - invert rotation (need for down-sided turrets).
Invert limits - invert limits.
Max up angle - maximal up angle of rotation in degrees. You can not set less then 5 degrees and more then 85 degrees.
Max down angle - maximal down angle of rotation in degrees. You can not set less then 5 degrees and more then 85 degrees.
Section "Is this turret back oriented?"
Answer: No/Yes. This attribute need for back-oriented turrets. You can read about this below.
Section "Show orientation prompt"
Answer: - enable or disable orientation prompts in designer.
Repair rotation, AG - sometimes your turret can stuck (this is a bug). Choose Activation Group that will repair it. It is 7 by default. If your turret is stuck, enable this Activation Group and disable this Activation Group. This action will repair the rotation of turret.
Section "Ballistic settings:"
degrees per km - degrees per kilometer. This value increase the angle of rotation considering the distance to target. It can be useful if you want to use bombs in your cannon. If this value = 1 then angle of rotation increase to one degree if distance to target = 1 kilometer.This value ignore limits.
maximum degrees - maximum degrees of degrees per km. This value limit the maximum of "ballistic" degrees.


Exist a 4 allowed rotation of turrets in Designer.
1. First: front-oriented, which was recommended for creating turret:

2. Second: back oriented. For this you need to rotate ALL turret to back:

After this set attribute Answer: = Yes in section Is this turret back orientedin Turret horizontal rotator and Turret vertical rotator.
3. Third allowed rotation: Front down-sided. You need to rotate ALL turret to down side:

After this set the attribute Invert rotation = Yes in Turret horizontal rotator and Turret vertical rotator.
4. Fourth allowed rotation: Back down oriented. You need to rotate ALL turret to back down side:

After this set the attribute Invert rotation = Yes and Answer: = Yes in section Is this turret back oriented in Turret horizontal rotator and Turret vertical rotator.
Only this 4 rotation are allowed. If set the rotation of turret "Left sided" or "Right sided", then will be errors.


These rotators are soft. Don't create very heavy turrets:

I recommend to you set very low mass scale of all parts in turret (except rotators). Also, i recommend to you disable aircraft collision of all parts in turret.


Download from Google Drive:
Download from MEGA:
If you like this mod and want support me, see description of my channel


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    0 TMWDY

    can anyone build Haunebu III with this mod? I don't really understand the construction of airplanes in this game/Кто нибудь сможет сделать Haunebu III с этим модом? Ибо я до сих пор не могу разобраться даже оригинальным редактором

    1.5 years ago
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    210 amasoncik

    а как целиться в небо, просто хочу сделать пво

    2.2 years ago
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    210 amasoncik

    @MOPCKOEDNISHE сделай пожалуйстаобновление мода чтобы там были настройки по типу "Mouse 3, Mouse 4" СПАСИБО ЕСЛИ СДЕЛАЕШЬ)

    2.2 years ago
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    war thunder moment

    2.3 years ago
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    Is there a mobile version?

    +10 2.4 years ago
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    15 Roomba

    Wish i could use this but i don't have a pc at this time

    2.5 years ago
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    war thunder noises...

    +1 2.8 years ago
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    @Rakoval500k Ты когда-то просил меня сообщить, если обновление мода не планируется. Так вот, то, что я делал несколько месяцев назад я забросил, новой версии мода не будет, этот мод обновлять тоже не буду, как и любые другие моды. Максимум, чем я буду заниматься в simpleplanes - обновлю tracks 2 после очередного обновления в игре, если там опять цвет поломается.

    +1 2.9 years ago
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    785 OldBomber

    Why does it shake though? aiming while moving shake like crazy. can someone help me?

    3.0 years ago
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    @Rakoval500k В данный момент я обновляю мод. Уже добавил звук для горизонтального ротатора:) Также, к своему невероятному удивлению, при попытке заменить у одного танка стоковый ротатор на новый, я обнаружил, что он перестал работать. Возможно, это та самая проблема, а которой ты говорил. Проблема исправлена. Если вкратце - "на старте игры" я обращаюсь к "главному скрипту" крафта и он должен существовать . Причем, что удивительно, на уже работающих примерах он всегда "существовал", и ничего не ломалось. А когда я добавил лишь один горизонтальный ротатор, он не существовал, в итоге возникала ошибка и ничего не работало. Надеюсь, что ошибку вызывало именно это.

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    1,970 Rakoval500k

    @MOPCKOEDNISHE Привет! Увы, недавно мне надо было отдать ноутбук на починку, отчего у меня пропали все поделки вместе с самой игрой. Игру я вернул, моды переустановил, а вот авиация моей постройки исчезла безвозвратно, благо, я выложил несколько образцов на сайт. Может, в будущем что-нибудь сострою/скачаю, да погляжу, исправно там или не очень.

    3.1 years ago
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    @Rakoval500k Выложи какую-нибудь свою новую технику, где не работают ротаторы и не помогает клавиша починки. Пока я сам не взгляну на это, помочь ничем не смогу.

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    17.1k beenz

    @TheUnsinkableSam google had a stoopid policy
    now mobile people arent allowed with most mods

    3.8 years ago
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    912 Xi

    doesnt work on android error

    3.9 years ago
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    "Steam Workshop" HAPPINESS NOISES

    4.0 years ago
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    how to make turrets fuction facing sideways?

    4.1 years ago
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    1,970 Rakoval500k

    Ротаторы опять перманентно отказывают без видимых причин, особенно при постройке новой техники. Клавиша "починки" абсолютно не помогает. Я тщательно соблюдаю все указанные рекомендации и всегда проверяю соединения с designersuite. Впрочем, сейчас я сей мод переустановлю, авось перестанет выеживаться...

    +1 4.1 years ago
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    it won't work on my kindle Fire HD (6 gen)

    4.5 years ago
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    @Syabil para que no tiemble tienes que poner el puntero láser en el Chasis del tanque Ami también me pasaba y lo solucione experimentando

    4.5 years ago
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    Is it possible to make a mod for control? I mean, such as in War Thunder, i control the wheel and I know where I'm flying

    4.8 years ago
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    5,333 unCANNY

    This should be added to SP by default.

    5.0 years ago
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    Чел, все ОЧЕНЬ плохо с этим модом. Может виновата новая версия игры, хз. Я делал линкор с твоим модом, 4 башни, все поворачиваются, но пушки на 3 из 4 не поднимаются. Я тупо скопировал работающую башню и поставил на замену одной из поломанных. А в итоге отказала и та, что работала. После этого я скачал твой пример а-ля корабль. И что ты думаешь? Пушки могли подниматься только у 4 из 5. ОК, я бросил на время идею линкора и решил сделать танк. Все работает, но я начал повторять твои действия, чтобы сделать камеру как в War Thunder и ничего, опять же, не работает. Я получил лишь круг внизу экрана и все. Башня не двигалась, а танка-индикатора в углу не было. Хотя твой пример со скорпионом работает прекрасно. Короче говоря чини свой мод под новую версию, а то в комментариях я уже видел подобную проблему у других

    +1 5.1 years ago
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    12.9k JA311M

    @JA311M Ah I see it's the problem of cockpit

    5.2 years ago
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    12.9k JA311M

    why it only rotate 1/2

    5.2 years ago
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    Mod list

    5.2 years ago
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