Scenic Volcano
Another Block III GIS map for Simpleplanes. This one consists of 14 detail tiles, surrounded by 1 background terrain tile, of a 1:1 reproduction of the highest of the Cascades. I believe it is truly stunning in real life, and I tried to keep most of that feeling while making this map. You can take cool thumbnails for your planes, explore the mountain, or even climb it!
Also, I have included a new type of level for the SP Campaign mod- Search and Rescue. Start from Ranger Creek Airport (Yes, the background tile is so large it reaches a local airport), land at the rescue site, pick up the people, and land back safely. This is the most complicated mission I have designed yet, but I have good faith that you'll enjoy them.
Mount Rainier GIS Sandbox
- 1:1 Scale!
- Summit Aerial and Scenic Aerial start points
- Ranger Creek Airport is within the map, and is also a ground start location
- Take pictures, play around, explore, climb up to you!
Rescue Levels (PC ONLY)
These are "sequential" levels that will guide you along the sequence of events using the message function. You start at Ranger Creek and must locate, land, and return with the stranded mountaineers. There are three variations on this central mission:
- Rainier Rescue 1: Rescue a stranded mountaineer on the summit of Mount Rainier- there's a smoke signal there as well. Landing zone is flat. (easy)
- Rainier Rescue 2: Rescue a stranded mountaineer; we do not know the specific location, you will have to search for the smoke flare. Slightly elevated landing zone, very small area. (medium)
- Rainier Rescue 3: Rescue a stranded mountaineer; we do not know the specific location, you will have to search for the smoke flare. On a thin mountain ridge. (hard)
- Land Start locations does not work well. Please make your own start location if you want to start on land. Thus, any land spawns you create will spawn you at cockpit height
- I have "fixed" the above issue for Ranger Creek by spawning on a terrain object first- a little bumpy
- Ranger Creek Airport is in the "background terrain zone". So terrain there is not good. From there, please go to Rainier. This works for the levels but not for the sandbox.
- Including background terrain, this map is 88km by 58km. The detailed section is about 30km by 20km
- The above is because the MapStartLocations do not recognized the mesh-based map to be "Ground" terrain as most maps are terrain objects
- This is my favorite out of the 3 current Block III maps; simply good for relaxing and soaring
- I wanted to release this earlier but had some code issues with the levels (called the wrong function lol)
- Source Code available on discord request, as well as any map mods help
- Re-Entry Effects is used in some of the pictures, go check it out!
- 1.0 Added 3 Rescue Levels and Mt. Rainier
- 1.1 Patched a bug that would cause instant level completion, and extended level times to 35 minutes
- 1.2 More patches
If you want to get notified when my mods upload, please follow. Thanks!
Video Award: 15 upvotes for the first video that shows completion of all the Rescue levels. To avoid your hard work being lost, if you're 2nd or 3rd or 4th or etc... for your video, you can get 7, 5, 3, 1 upvotes respectively. (for debugging and entertainment)
wheres android?
this is my mount
i personally have flown into ranger creek in my dad's 182
its a pretty darn cool airport
@awfulfalafel i see it on the highway
@FireFast212 YEAAAAAAH
Any video of success rescue here? I don't know how to complete this level.........
yay mount rainier!
@QingyuZhou SP GroundStart doesn't like GIS meshes. I got it to work with the levels for some reason but not the mountain
One question: why does my plane always spawn in air instead of perfectly on ground
I have a new Block 4 method of maps, lets me pick as big of a terrain as I want but as much detail
Only problem is the textures get huge, and if interruptions occur during the satellite query, it corrupts my application lol
@ThatsAHotTopic 1.2 is available now
@232287168147825 Huh, Weird. I dont have a good memory but i think i pressed try again and then it said sucessful rescue
@ThatsAHotTopic Strange. When I crash, I get this message
@232287168147825 No, When you crash it resets your craft and then teleports you to the spawn without any player input, but the ''climber'' is still inside the craft causing a successful rescue
@ThatsAHotTopic You mean when you click "restart level"? I think I know the script error in that case
@232287168147825 When you crash it teleports you to the spawn, like it should but it becomes a successful rescue even though you crashed
@ThatsAHotTopic Hm... I'll try to fix that. Right now I'm working on Block 4 GIS, it's a lot different then before
What do you mean teleport? Is it teleporting you?
@232287168147825 I found a error in the rescue missions. When you crash into the mountain in the landing zone, the mountaineer still gets picked up and then you teleport to the runway and it becomes a successful rescue
Mod request: Lord Howe Island GIS
@jamesPLANESii I put an update through. Maybe it works now. I know for a fact timer is at 35 min now.
Current bugs: Score Calculation is broken, don't know if the 1.0 instant win bug was patched (although I did add to the code to fix what I think is the problem), and mod says 1.0 but is actually 1.1 version
In 10 hours I will be back to patch more holes in the boat. Sandbox should work fine though
@jamesPLANESii Yeah, I think I know what's causing it in the 5 scripts that make up the levels.
Oh, the issue is that wine you’ve done one challenge and go to another, you instantly win them. @232287168147825
Interesting... that should not be happening, I’ll check it out as well @jamesPLANESii
Second challenge you win immediately
Same with the 3rd.