This mod adds a lot of ships to the game.
Oh, and they want to destroy you. Good luck.
There are several parts to this mod.
- Fleet of WW2 Destroyers
These are behind the rest of the ships, and are hostile.
- USS Battering Ram
This ship is heading towards the WW2 Destroyers. It will push them in all directions. Have fun watching this chaos unfold.
- Main fleet
This fleet consists of five Beast-class aircraft carriers, a handful of WW2 Destroyers, a few Tiny-class aircraft carriers, and is surrounded by cruisers. Oh, and they're all hostile.
- Leader fleet
This fleet is forwards of the default Beast fleet, and consists of two massive cruisers, five Beast-class aircraft carriers, and one massive Beast-class aircraft carrier.
- Skyship fleet
This fleet is located in the sky, directly above the fleet of WW2 Destroyers. It has one massive WW2 Destroyer, one GIANT Beast-class aircraft carrier, and two cruisers.
All the ships are hostile.
The only plane on the site which can defeat them can be found here.
Make a bomb's explosionScale 100000 boom ships are sinking
Actually, i defeated the fleet with Tmach5's F-4 Phantom with doomsday nuke. There are now 2 planes that can destroy the fleet.
@TZWace You can find the plane here.
cause i cant
that can defeat them
I need the plane.
Hey! Enjoy this U-Boat!
They can attack actively! It's so invincible!!
@haohao2008202210 Destroy them
How do we get them to stop firing?
@PlaneFlightX :(
@SussyBoi42 mod support has been disabled for several years.
It doesn't work on mobile
Took 5 Cleavers and 1 minute to clear the field!!!
Nothing too hard for an airborne battleship lol
i killed them all!!! but it took an hour .-. lol
Use a bomb with a lot of explosion scale and drop it on a carrier. Fleet go boom
Umm artillery just gonna say slug amo
This is how im gonna test the capabilities of my new figther aircraft
e p i c
@YesMyFriend There is the entire USS Skyship Navy. 4 ships I think.
@PlaneFlightX for some reason, theres one carrier that is just floating in midair and it looks kinda scary.
Ace Combat players: it's free real estate.
@PlaneFlightX Could you pls make a version where the ships are not hostile, so you can start and end "Missions" from the carriers?