Welcome to Japari Park!
Come and explore all the different areas of the park!
watch the anime "Kemono Friends" for more info, this map is based on the anime
- lots of trees and grass
- interesting buildings
Known issues:
- The maze in the desert area doesn't have colliders (won't fix, because the model is originally designed for making anime and it doesn't work well with SP)
- The maze entrance's collider is weird, even a small scrape can make your aircraft explode (won't fix)
- Trees don't have colliders (could anyone help me with this? I turned on tree colliders and the tree prefabs have mesh colliders assigned)
This is the first full version!
My first mod!
Android version will be uploaded after I get android SDK to work.
@owenliu plz, when ?😭😭
0% fps to duo-core 3ghz
looks like Unturned
Now uploaded the newest version. Fixed the size of certain components.
For Chinese players:
Where we dropping boys
@deqnq Hmmm...
Your PC is actually better than my laptop which only have core graphics equivalent to GT1030(1/3performance of your RX580). It runs this mod at 10fps1080p in the forest. Maybe you don't have enough RAM or something. I'll optimize it anyway. : )
can you make an good quality android mod that have thicc building hoses and trees and road
my PC just surrenders to the map. please optimize if you can
actual specifications
AMD Radeon RX 580 (Model 8)
AMD Ryzen 5 2600 (6 cores)
@nomalnormaltheman Sometimes, you will find that the mod doesn't work as expected, so you really should test it before posting the mod. For example, this mod had lots of errors, and I fixed them all before posting it. You won't be happy to download a mod and then found it doesn't work, right? : )
@owenliu oh you right but can i post the mod
@nomalnormaltheman you can, but how would you test the mod if you don't have SP?
can i build sp mod without having an simpleplanes
Lol, interesting
Oh god, lag x2