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77.2k 232287168147825  3.6 years ago
Version 2020 Map

While I don't play this game much anymore, I did reopen it took take some pictures of Dimkal's and the F-6EJ as well. I noticed there were some comments about the photos there so I wanted to share this, and also as the prize for the Sleep Poll on SPBC. I originally created it 2020 Summer for Dllama and as a water picture map, but I've had a lot better success with aircraft here. It is only 100mb, and I've included some tips below to making the most out of it with aircraft.

You may notice that map pictures I've included are all plane centric, that's because they were all taken specifically for planes not the map, but here are some tips I used for each picture because I think that is what most people will end up doing with this map anyways. Get Fog Changer to make the most of these tips. While I would love to finish up a beefed up version of Fog Changer, I lack the time nowadays. Load up your reshade too, make sure to have MXAO/RTGI, Vignette, AdaptiveTonemapper - rest are up to you.

I literally pulled it from my mods folder so let me know if it doesn't work... it should though.

Pic 1
- Used evening time for shadows but kept daytime coloration
- Offset camera
- FARM location next to air spawn - good for green aircrafts
- Very minimal fog set, just enough to balance out the plane
- Flares to fill left gap

Pic 2
- Similar to Pic 2, but at different angle
- Used Afterburner

Pic 3
- Used Fog Changer to set light grayish fog
- City view: facing Ocean new coast
- Get exhaust to be small but still provide color

Pic 4
- Used Fog Changer to set light blueish fog
- City view: facing Ocean new coast
- Get exhaust to be small but still provide color

Pic 5
- Used Fog Changer to set light blueish fog
- Fuji Foothills: Near the base of the mountain, to show hydraulic erosion
- The Zoom mod makes it easy to find how much background you want (FOV)

Pic 6
- Sky image using Clouds 2
- Darker fog "scattering" using FC
- Set clouds to be big for nice picture covering effect

Pic 7
- Used Fog Changer to set light yellow fog
- Not much done, too dark of a daytime (early morning)

Pic 8
- Used Fog Changer to set blue "scattering" fog
- DOF to hide lower quality surround terrain
- Clouds included for balance

Plane Advantages
- It had lots of detail including reflective glass canopy
- Colors and detail = more "lines" you can visualize and show with shadows

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    hey 232287168147825,can you help me with some picture? i really need it

    1.3 years ago
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    41.0k ALRX

    Good map!

    3.6 years ago
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    9,376 Zanedavid

    Can hardly even see the mountain, wait you still post? Holy cow your alive? When you gonna post a build? Look at this dude… downvoted

    +2 3.6 years ago
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    13.9k ChrisPy

    gross worst bad ;)

    3.6 years ago
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    5,192 Gluck

    why there no nokia version :(

    +4 3.6 years ago
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    2,626 uptightjumbo

    @MiG21Pilot ok shutting up

    +1 3.6 years ago
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    1,059 MiG21Pilot

    @uptightjumbo shut up*

    3.6 years ago
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    2,626 uptightjumbo

    @Hayhayjam664 shut down?

    +1 3.6 years ago
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    34.5k Hayhayjam664

    Shut @uptightjumbo

    +1 3.6 years ago
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    2,626 uptightjumbo

    wHy No AnDrOiD

    +5 3.6 years ago