simple map with some bumps and ramps for you to drive over and test your vehicles suspension plus a V E R Y long bridge. there may also be a small easter egg for you to find ;)
vehicle in photos is Tonk, made by me.
simple map with some bumps and ramps for you to drive over and test your vehicles suspension plus a V E R Y long bridge. there may also be a small easter egg for you to find ;)
vehicle in photos is Tonk, made by me.
Steam version?
Why mine didn't work?. my tire is just through the obstacle. I download it on my laptop
@Keanu you could help me with modtools, I don't understand which versions are needed for which units
No and I do not have a iPhone not an android.
@Superwiffools do you know how to download mod for android using zarchiver?
@LotusCarsSub apple does allow you to download stuff you just can’t access it. I’ve downloaded stuff and I can see it I just can’t see the app files to make the mod work.
@Superwiffools Not anyone can know how to view system files via the default file explorer
Another thing, Apple won't even let you download shit
@LotusCarsSub I said it ONCE. And eventually iOS mod support will be a thing.
As for Android mods? Roast Google instead
@Bummer s u s tengnengnengtengtengteneneng
say suspension without pension
@Chancey21 idc is textures are missing ill be fine with black and purple also it onky matters if it is physical
Need it on iphone
Please support on MacOS
The textures are missing
@xSUPERTTx I would love to if someone could tell me how to get the older version of modtools where the "export to android" button isnt removed, Ive asked in many places but nobody has an answer for me, I know it's possible as there are many android compatible maps released within the last year but nobody wants to give up how theyve done it :/
@Keanu if you make even more simplified version of this map for android, it will be unreally cool
@MashMallow @xSUPERTTx I agre
@DUCKBIRD Yes make smol for Android
make for android please
@SLSD make the map small??? Like the Yeager airport?
@SLSD oh ok
@MashMallow no because is to lag in mobile
Mobile plz
@Keanu okay, thanks
@HawkinsOrigina I want to but theres nowhere explaining how to do it, I'm asking around but I havent found an answer yet