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G-Force Effects

9,223 BigBushy  2.8 years ago


Version 1.2 Tool

Welcome to my second mod: G-Force Effects.

Update 1.2: see changelog HERE

A small mod that adds image effects when under High Gs, like Greyout/Redout and Tunnel vision (Vignette). There is also g-force induced loss of consciousness, or G-LOC, where the screen will turn completely black, UI will disappear, you will be unable to control your aircraft.



G tolerances, G-LOC, and G-LOC recovery times can be tweaked using the Mod Settings mod.

Tweakable Settings:

  • Lower G tolerance - the lower end of the High G range, effects like desaturation and tunnel vision will start tp appear and the G-LOC counter will start. Default is 7.
  • Higher G tolerance - the high end of the High G range, the screen will be fully colorless, blurry, and the vignette will cover most of the screen in black, leaving only a small room to see, the G-LOC counter goes faster. Default is 12.
  • Max tolerance - reaching this amount of Gs will cause you to pass out instantly. Default is 25.
  • High G tolerance time - The amount of time you can expirience high G before passing out, can be slightly slower or faster depending on whether you are at the higher or lower end of the high G range you set. Default is 8.
  • Passed out time - The amount of time passed out before you wake up. Default is 8.
  • G-LOC recovery time - The amount of time it takes to wake up from G-LOC, you will slowly recover vision, but you will still not be able to control your aircraft when waking up. Default is 3.
  • Vision Blur - Toggles vision blur on or off, could improve performance.
  • Pilot breathing - Toggles the pilot's breathing noises on or off.
  • Force Mode - Toggles between Vertical and Omnidirectional. Vertical detects G-forces only on the vertical axis(up and down) and contains positive and negative Gs. Omnidirectional detects G-forces in any direction, but only contains positive Gs.

Known Issues

  • image effects will appear in the cockpit part camera and ALL first person view cameras. Currently I have no way of knowing if the current camera is a cockpit camera.

Thanks to WNP for teaching me about reflection, which was essential for this mod to work.

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    15 wallet

    @HifromVietnam lol critical over g

    7 months ago
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    You will be dead trying to use this mod while fighting against AI, imagine losing consciousness while the enemy is pulling 40G+

    +8 one year ago
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    0 Fuzz1

    Has anyone ever found a solution to fix the Tweakable settings not working at all? This mod is not working with Mod settings at all, can't adjust any of the Tweakable settings

    one year ago
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    @cdeem2011 you can’t, IOS isn’t moddable

    +2 1.4 years ago
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    1,316 cdeem2011

    How do you download this for iOS ?

    +9 1.5 years ago
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    One thing I have found to be strange is that the volume seems to increase to an extreme amount, even if the total volume is at 1%, is this a bug with the mod being outdated?

    1.5 years ago
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    @speedycord Only Map And Plug-In Mod That Support Mobile

    1.6 years ago
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    1.8 years ago
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    0 Jimy

    @Taka237 idk

    1.9 years ago
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    90 Taka237

    Is this can for andoid ?

    +19 2.1 years ago
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    @sussyF35 I think i tried with img effects, not sure though. Maybe i'll try again.

    E: that works, but settings still don't. I have lower G's at 10, high at 18, and it still activates at 7.

    2.2 years ago
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    @FujiwaraAutoShop nvm turn on image effects in settings
    i keep it off anyways cuz it tanks my pc enough

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    @FujiwaraAutoShop yeah

    2.2 years ago
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    it appears to just be broken, settings don't work, no blackout, only gui fade. even on this new pc..

    2.2 years ago
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    what kind of "reflection"?

    2.2 years ago
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    While it is cool i'll have to wait a few days before properly being able to use it. It provides low performance on my current device and the G-LOC doesn't display properly(No blackout only UI fade), but i'll have a new device on the third hopefully.

    +2 2.2 years ago
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    I've been waiting for something like this, this is badass.

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    9,499 Tookan

    As if enemy AI weren't already enough of tryhards to be a pain in the arse, now we can temporarily render ourselves useless mid-fight

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    77.8k Snargles

    @BigBushy Could you possibly make effects that make the screen move when pulling G's, turning and things like that if it's not already in the mod? That would make this mod even more immersive. And could you also make it tweakable and on top of that add screen shaking that is adjustable to simulate the engine shaking the aircraft?

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    49.9k hfusiwjf29

    Human has different tolerances to the positive and negative Gs, if could set the positive and negative lower/higher G tolerance separately would be better.

    +6 2.3 years ago
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    this mod teach us to not aggresively pull up the plane💀

    +8 2.4 years ago
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    I've thought about perhaps being able to remove the indicator saying G-OVERLOAD since it's kind of irritating at times.

    +2 2.5 years ago
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    @FISHSOFT turn on image effects in sttings

    +3 2.5 years ago
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    It’s annoying my laptop don’t like this mod, wait till I have a pc

    +1 2.5 years ago
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    9,223 BigBushy

    @GabrielSatori you can always change the tolerance values

    +1 2.5 years ago
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