Version 0.5
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Celestial Time
This Mod sets the date of the sky, based on the actual date, and your position in game.
It will no longer be June 15th, 2000, every time you restart.
this gives us real world Lunar Phases.
It also sets the size of the Sun, and Moon to realistic scale, changes the Texture on the Moon to an 8K map from NASA, and sets the length of day to 24 hours.
The sky has always been set to Zero Latitude, and Zero Longitude, so it is still set at that at Wright Island.
This is a Map Plugin set to only work on the default map. if you are a map maker, and have another map you want this to function with, just message me with the map name, and I will happily update it to include your map.
Can you release the source code of this MOD?
@Gestour Nice mod! Do you plan to improve the Ocean mod even further, or possibly develop an underwater engine mod?
@AlbertanPlaneMaker ok, why are you talking about it?
@AlbertanPlaneMaker what are you talking about?
@AlbertanPlaneMaker I tried to delete that entire conversation, but I couldn't delete a moderators comment, and I was going to ask if it could be removed, and I pinned it so I would remember, and then I forgot.
@AlbertanPlaneMaker no, why does it matter anyway? Just curious
I don't believe so. The game has had glitches for a few months....I'll send you the error code I got when I ran the debug console when I get home.
@Type2volkswagen the errors were from this mod?
I opened the debug console in game and it had some errors, relpaded game , all good. Thx
@Type2volkswagen wow, I don't know. Are you sure? The slider still looks like it is set at 180 min when it's working.
What am I doing wrong? Downloaded via steam, enabled on mod page, still have 180 min days in sandbox.....
@AlbertanPlaneMaker hey little excessive for the site, there should be no reason to use that word on the site
@Gestour But thank you
@Gestour thanks
@SP737 you just enable it.
How to use
@Gestour DOH!
-Homer Simpson
@BiliBiliXMBGDS No, sorry. Android does not support Mods which run code, and this mod is 95% code.
@Gestour neat, thank you!
@iwannabeelected You can still adjust it with the slider in the Game Options. But it will go back to full scale every time you reset.
Is there (will there be) any way to adjust the length of day?
You have no idea how fast I skimmed through the description and hit download
@Kittyhawk208 no. 0 0