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Minecraft Ice spikes Snowstone

68.9k PPLLAANNEE  1.7 years ago
Version I long for the days of not 90 degree weather Map Plugin

A map plugin that turns Snowstone into various Minecraft cold biomes mainly ice spikes. There are also massive icebergs around the island that you can fly under. I also included amethyst geodes and snow particles.

Everything has collision. The water is covered in a layer of ice that is very slippery. The ice spikes and icebergs are slippery too. I tried to add chime noises to the amethyst geodes but it would play everywhere not just near the geodes. If anyone knows how to fix it tell me pls.


Driving around on the ice
Doing the ice spike obstacle course
Flying around the island
I did not intend to do this but I guess it works
This is what made me add amethyst geodes

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    68.9k PPLLAANNEE

    If you want to explore the island without the ice base spawn >this< at the Tundra Wasteland location

    Pinned 1.7 years ago
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    31.1k 32

    To fix the chime noise, I think you could put a big invisible sphere that has a trigger built in that plays the audio. No idea how to actually do this, but that should hypothetically work.

    1.4 years ago
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    Me: starts seeing this
    Also me: sings Minecraft calm theme

    1.4 years ago
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    36.4k Icey21

    @PPLLAANNEE ah, I see
    I don't know how to solve that problem either

    1.5 years ago
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    68.9k PPLLAANNEE

    @IceCraftGaming idk how to do anything with code, i tried making an audio source on each amethyst geode playing the chime noises on loop but even with the radius of the source being really small the sound would play everywhere

    +1 1.5 years ago
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    36.4k Icey21

    | I tried to add chime noises to the amethyst geodes but it would play everywhere not just near the geodes. If anyone knows how to fix it tell me pls. |
    Not much of a programmer or modder but can't you just make the ice spikes and everything else a different material from the ametthyst geodes and for the audio to only play when the user touches the geode's material?

    1.5 years ago
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    2,021 Ashdenpaw1

    I wish I could download all the Minecraft mods. But alas. I’m mobile :/

    +4 1.7 years ago
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    68.9k PPLLAANNEE

    @HuskyDynamics01 version with just the ice >here<

    +1 1.7 years ago
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    Could you do a version with just the water ice?

    1.7 years ago
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    Good 10/10

    1.7 years ago
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    +1 1.7 years ago