ISC_Tropics 1
15.8k ian8811946
8.3 years ago
Version 0.1
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Very early stages of a larger project.
This map is primarily made for boats and amphibious vehicles in its current state. All of the smoother, low lying islands currently have very low traction to allow boats to skim through the shallows and have some fun with jumping sand bars. Later on I plan to have the main island masses have normal traction, but not at this early stage of development.
The landmass with rivers running through it has normal traction so there is some free roam to be had there for land vehicles. I also added quick bridges for crossing the rivers.
Highly recommend trying my boat out that I made in conjunction with this map. Here
Beta V 0.1 (7:21 PM EST 10/7/16)
*Keep an eye out for updates here*
@communisticbanana This is the mod I'm talking about.
It crashes my android on any graphics plz can you fix this?
@ian8811946 Can you make a mod which allows you to have a much much longer sight range IE the map has a curve instead of a weird white fog thing at the edge of your vision.
And make it mobile friendly
Make a isc race track and isc race car with portal axles
@ian8811946 Thank you I'll try the downgrade!
@Thecoltster1 You need to use Unity version 5.3.6f1. 5.4 wont work, idk about older ones.
Hey man im trying to make a map. How do you get your trees to show up once exported?
@demoman9 I dont use android so I dont really know the specifics. But you can find the install path here.
@ian8811946 yes
@demoman9 idk man. Links work fine. I assume you are on android or something?
@ian8811946 I'm not able to download this awesome map :( PLZ Help.
This would also be great for races using a small wind powered boat
Hello this is your 24th upvote speaking, I LOVE YOUR MAP!
All I know how to do is move the camera around lol! @MAHADI
I'm yet to learn how to do it yet. I have Unity though... @MAHADI
@jamesPLANESii are you planning to make a cool mod?
what does ISC mean?
yay android
Sometimes Maps of other players in same size run with 10 fps
@ian8811946 ist ok, at least for me. I dont care about grass
@LatteCoffee55 In the terrain object settings in unity. I'm running a 2049x2049 heightmap at 4kmx4km for each piece of terrain. There are 3 unique terrains on this map and at least 10 total to give more islands to run around. This might be helping the performance a little....not sure. @PilotOfFuture There are also very few trees at the moment and no grass. Those really slow down the FPS in this game for some reason. Very disappointing.
@ian8811946 how do you get the map to right scale?
Amazing map @ian8811946, how can such a big detailed map run on android with 60 fps?
Cool thanks! @ian8811946